
You will find a pdf of my CV at the bottom of the page.

Works in 'standby'


Tibi A., Martinet V., Vialatte A., coord. (2023) Protéger les cultures par la diversité végétale. Editions Quae. (ISBN: 978-2-7592-3732-6). 

Martinet (2012) Economic Theory and Sustainable Development: What can we preserve for future generations? , Routledge, Oxon (United-Kingdom), Avril 2012. (ISBN-10: 0415544777)


Working Papers versions: University of Gothenburg Papers in Economics 759 Download; FAERE 2019.08 Download

          Working paper versions: CESifo Working Paper 8941 Download; FAERE 2021.04 Download

          Working paper version: ‘Farmers' motivations to reduce their use of pesticides: a choice experiment analysis in France'  Download

          Working paper versions: CESifo 6314 Download; EconomiX 2017-4 Download; INRA Economie Publique 2016/03 Download; FAERE 2017.03 Download

          Working paper versions: CESifo Working Paper 3746 Download; EconomiX 2012-13 Download

          Working paper versions: AMURE D-31-2012 ; EconomiX 2012-11. Download

          Working paper of a previous version: ‘Risk and Sustainability: Is Viability that far from Optimality?’, Public Economics Department INRA--AgroParisTech 2010-02; EconomiX, 2010-7. Download

          Working paper versions: CESifo Working Paper 4327 Download; EconomiX 2012-02. Download

          Working paper versions: Public Economics Department INRA-AgroParisTech 2012-01; EconomiX 2012-13. Download 

          and even an older version: ‘Soil heterogeneity, agricultural supply and land-use change: an application to biofuels production’, Public Economics Department INRA-AgroParisTech 2010-05. Download

          Working paper version: EconomiX 2010-19. Download

          Working papers of a previous version: ‘Defining Sustainability Objectives’, Working paper EconomiX, n°2009-07. Download ;

          and even an older one: ‘Maximizing minimal rights for sustainability: a viability approach, Working paper EconomiX, 2007-20. Download

          Working paper version: EconomiX 2009-18. Download

          Working paper version: THEMA 2003-27. Download

          Working paper version: GdR AMURE D21-2006; EconomiX 2006-05. Download

          Working paper version: THEMA 2003-36. Download

          Working paper of a previous, much longer version: ‘The Hartwick Rule and the characterization of constant consumption paths’, Working paper THEMA 2005-06. Download

Chapters in books

See the PDF version of my CV


Tibi A., Vialatte A., Martinet V. (2024) La diversification végétale au service de l'agroécologie. Phytoma n°771 (février 2024), p. 14-19.

David M., Martinet V. (2023) Sortir du Glyphosate: Interdiction ou taxation? PSAE Brief n°2.

David M., Martinet V. (2023) Evaluation de l’acceptabilité des politiques publiques de sortie du glyphosate par une expérience de choix discret,  INRAE Sciences Sociales n°1/2023. Download 

Salles J.M., Martinet V. (2016) Pourquoi associer des valeurs économiques aux services dérivés de la nature? Economie et Management n°161, p.11-17.

Martinet V. (2011) Définir les objectifs d'un développement durable, un exercice difficile. INRA Sciences Sociales n°2-3/2011. Download 

Martinet V. (2010) La "viabilité", une approche du développement durable visant à éviter les crises dans le long terme : l'exemple des pêcheries (Viability, an approach to Sustainable development based on crisis avoidance: the fishery example). INRA Sciences Sociales n°1/2010. Download


Martinet V., Rotillon G. (2018) Environnement (et autre), arrêtons d’instrumentaliser les «pauvres » ! Le Monde, November 18-19. (original submitted version here)

Other publications

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