PhD Students

Current students

Romain Fillon

Personal website

PhD project: Climatic Uncertainties and Social Preferences 

Co-supervised with Céline Guivarch (CNRS, CIRED)

Starting year: 2021

Expected defense: 2024

Grant: Contrat Doctoral Special Normalien

Awards: Fullbright fellowship for a research visit at Columbia University, New York, USA (2023-2024)

Margaux Durand

Personal website

PhD project:  Increasing the accuracy of measurement and accounting of human-induced ecological integrity losses and gains, at adequate spatial and temporal scales

Co-supervised with Aafke Schipper (Radboud University, The Netherlands)

Starting year: 2022

Expected defense: 2025

Grant: Contrat CIFRE with CDC Biodiversité

Guillaume Delafosse

Personal website

PhD project: Croissance ou décroissance ? Hypothèses sur les conséquences macroéconomiques de la transition verte (Growth or Degrowth? Essaies on the macroeconomic consequences of the green transition)

Starting year: 2023

Expected defense: 2026

Grant: Contrat Doctoral Special Normalien

Jérôme Pivard

Personal website

PhD project: Déterminants individuels de comportements de sobriété et dynamiques collectives d’adoption de la décroissance (Individual behavioral drivers of voluntary simplicity and collective dynamics of degrowth)  

Starting year: 2023

Expected defense: 2026

Grant: Université Paris-Saclay

Past students

Stellio del Campo

Personal website

2014-2018: PhD student at University of Paris-Nanterre 

Co-supervised with Alain Ayong Le Kama (University of Paris-Nanterre)

Thesis title: Interdependencies between intra and intergenerational equity in sustainable environmental resources management

Awards: Best Thesis Prize in Economics, Chancellerie des Universités de Paris

Joint works:

Martinet V., Del Campo S., Cairns R., 2022, ‘Intragenerational inequality aversion and intergenerational equity’, European Economic Review; vol. 144, 104075.

Cairns R., Del Campo S. and Martinet V. (2019) Sustainability of an Economy Relying on Two Reproducible Assets, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 101:145–160.

First position after PhD: Postdoctoral Researcher at MCC, Berlin, Germany

Current position: Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Luxembourg, Department of Economics and Management

Barbara Langlois

2014-2018: PhD student at INRA Economie Publique and SAD-APT

Co-supervised with Muriel Tichit (INRAE, SAD-APT)

Thesis title: Economic incentives for the regulation of the provision of bundles of ecosystem services in agroecosystems

Joint work:

Langlois B. and Martinet V. (2023) Defining cost-effective ways to improve ecosystem services provision in agroecosystems. Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies 

Marion Dupoux

Personal website

2012-2017: PhD student at University of Paris-Nanterre 

Co-supervised with Alain Ayong Le Kama (University of Paris-Nanterre) and Benoît Chèze (IFPEN)

Thesis title: Structure of preferences, decision-making and the environment: theoretical and experimental approaches


Best Thesis Prize in Economics 2018 (honorable mention), French Economic Association (AFSE) ; 

Young Economist Best Paper Prize awarded at the 2017 Annual FAERE Conference

Joint works:

Dupoux M. and Martinet V. (2022) Could the environment be a normal good for you and an inferior good for me? A theory of context-dependent substitutability and needs, forthcoming in Resource and Energy Economics 

First position after PhD: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Current position: Policy Analyst within the "Behavioural Insights" unit of the European Commission Joint Research Cente