
Dr. Marten Risius

Full Professor for Digital Society and Online Engagement*

University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm, Germany

*commencing November 2024

Adjunct Senior Fellow at the School of Psychology, University of Queensland


Fellow at the European Blockchain Center


E-Mail: marten [at] martenrisius.de

Professional Online Profiles:


Dr Marten Risius is incoming Distinguished Professor for "Digital Society and Online Engagement" at the University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm, Germany and Adjunct Senior Fellow at the School of Psychology at The University of Queensland.  His position is generously supported through the Distinguished Professorship Program of the Bavarian Hightech Agenda by the Bavarian Ministry of Arts and Sciences.

His research interests are in the areas of social media and blockchain technologies. He addresses societal issues (e.g., online extremism, hate speech, fake news, echo chamber, privacy (paradox)). His articles have been published in several journals (e.g., MISQ, SMJ, JSIS, JIT, I&M, MISQE, CAIS, BISE) and peer-reviewed conference proceedings (ICIS, ECIS, AMCIS, PACIS). He is fellow at the European Blockchain Center and member of the Stanford Internet Observatory Trust & Safety Teaching Consortium.

ScholarGPS recognised Dr Risius as a Top Scholar ranking him among the top 0.05% of over 48,500 scholars in his field of “Systems Engineering”. He was recognized with the Discovery of Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRA) as one of Australia's leading emerging academics and holds the AIS Early Career Award as the discipline's highest distinction for young scholars within only 4 years of receiving his PhD. His dissertation thesis was recognized as the best publication in the entire field of Business Administration from a young researcher in Germany, Austria and Switzerland by the VHB (German Academic Association for Business Research), received the TARGION award for the best practice-oriented research on strategic information management, was honored as the best dissertation from the Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce, and was a finalist for the Schmalenbach-Award. His work is frequently been covered by news media

He graduated in psychology summa cum laude from the University of Osnabrueck, Germany and was the first psychologist to graduate from the House of Finance at the Goethe University Frankfurt, where he received his PhD in Information Systems summa cum laude. Afterwards, he worked as postdoctorate at the University of Mannheim, Germany, where he managed the research alliance "ForDigital" between the University of Mannheim and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Subsequently, he worked as an assistant professor (tenure-track) at Clemson University, SC, USA prior to joining The University of Queensland as a Senior Lecturer. He was the co-lead of the Societal Sustainability cluster and PI of Fintech program for the Algorand Centre of Excellence on Sustainability Informatics for the Pacific (ACE-SIP) and fellow at the Weizenbaum Institute in Berlin, Germany.  In 2024 he was appointed as Distinguished Professor for Digital Society and Online Engagement at the University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm, Germany. 

His work is funded with approximately 10m EUR by Bavarian Ministry of Arts and Sciences, Algorand Foundation, the Australian Department of Home Affairs, the Hong Kong Research Council, Facebook Research, Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). 

He is Associate Editor for Internet Research (IF 4.708 in 2019). Dr. Risius also serves as Track Chair  for the societal impact tracks at ECIS 2021-25, HICSS 2021-25, ICIS 2024, ACIS 2023, and PACIS 2022, as Associate Editor at ICIS, ECIS, PACIS and WI and as reviewer for various international journals (e.g., ISR, MISQ, JMIS, JAIS, ISJ, JSIS, ETP) and conferences (e.g., ICIS, ECIS, HICSS). 

A* Journals

(According to ABDC List, 2019)

Risius, M.; Blasiak, K. M.; Wibisono, S.; Louis, W.

The Digital Augmentation of Extremism: Reviewing and Guiding Online Extremism Research from a Sociotechnical Perspective

In: Information Systems Journal (ISJ), 2024, 34(3), pp. 931–963.

Heavey, C.; Zeki, S.; Kyprianou, C.; Risius, M. 

How Do Strategic Leaders Engage with Social Media? A Theoretical Framework for Research and Practice

In:  Strategic Management Journal (SMJ), 2020, 41, pp. 1490–1527

Glaser, F.; Risius, M.

Effects of Transparency. Analyzing Social Biases on Trader Performance in Social Trading

In: Journal of Information Technology (JIT), 2018, 33 (1), pp. 19-30

Benthaus, J.; Risius, M.; Beck, R.

Social Media Management Strategies for Organizational Impression Management and their Effect on Public Perception

In: Journal of Strategic Information Systems (JSIS), 2016, 25 (2), pp. 127-139 

Risius, M.; Beck, R.

Effectiveness of Corporate Social Media Activities in Increasing Relational Outcomes

In: Information & Management (I&M), 2015, 52 (7), pp. 824-839

A Journals

(According to ABDC List, 2019)

Blasiak, K. M.; Risius, M.; Matook, S.
"Trigger Warning: This Study Contains Extremist Content." Research Strategies for Investigations of Online Extremism and Terrorism
In: Communications of the AIS (CAIS), 2024, 55, pp. 257-278.

French, A.; Risius, M.

Redefining the Customer Service Relationship Through Blockchain

In: International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2024, 28(1), pp. 63–83.

Risius, M.; Breidbach, C. F.; Chanson, M.; Krannichfeldt, R. v.; Wortmann, F.

On the Performance of Blockchain-Based Token Offerings

In: Electronic Markets (EM), 2023, 33(32), pp. 1-19

Spiekermann, S., H. Krasnova, O. Hinz., A. Baumann, A. Koester, J. Grossklags, H. Gimpel, I. Heimbach, A. Maedche, B. Niehaves, M. Risius and M. Trenz

Values and Ethics in Information Systems - A State-of-the-Art Analysis and Avenues for Future Research

In: Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), 2022, 64, pp. 247-264

French, A.; Shim, J. P.; Risius, M.; Larsen, K. R.; Jain, H.

The 4th Industrial Revolution Powered by the Integration of AI, Blockchain, and 5G

In: Communications of the AIS (CAIS), 2021, 49 (10), pp. 266-286

Anaraky, R. G.; Knijnenburg, B. P.; Risius, M.

Exacerbating Mindless Compliance: The Danger of Justifications During Privacy Decision Making in the Context of Facebook Applications

In: AIS Transactions on Human Computer Interaction (THCI), 2020, 12(2), pp. 70-95, 2020 Best THCI Paper Award

French, A.; Risius, M.; Shim, J. P.

The Interaction of Virtual Reality, Blockchain, and 5G New Radio: Disrupting Business and Society

In: Communications of the AIS (CAIS), 2020, 46 (1),  pp. 603-618

Pedersen, A.; Risius, M.; Beck, R.

A Ten-Step Decision Path to Determine When to Use Blockchain Technologies

In: MIS Quarterly Executive (MISQE), 2019, 18 (2), pp. 99-115

Risius, M.; Spohrer, K.

A Blockchain Research Framework - What We (Don't) Know, Where We Go From Here, and How We Will Get There

In: Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), 2018, 59 (6), pp. 385-409

Hyvärinen, H.; Risius, M.; Friis, G.

A Blockchain-Based Approach Towards Overcoming Financial Fraud in Public Sector Services

In: Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), 2018, 59 (6), pp. 441-456

Books and Chapters

Risius, M.; Benedict, G.

Blockchain Technology and Strategic Leadership

In: Handbook of Research on Strategic Leadership in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Eds: Simsek, Z., Heavey, C., Fox, B., Edward Elgar Publishing; 2023

Spohrer, K.; Risius, M.

The Affordances of Blockchain Platforms: Why Service Providers Use Blockchains

In: Dibbern, J., Förderer, J., Kude, T., Rothlauf, F., Spohrer, K. (eds) Digitalization Across Organizational Levels. Progress in IS. Springer, Cham, 2022, pp. 181-208.

Risius, M.

The PhD Advisor - A Study Subject (German original: "Der Doktorvater - Ein Studienobjekt")

In: PhD-(laborious)-Thesis (German original: "Doktor-(macht viel)-Arbeit"); Dielmann, A. (Eds.), Frankfurt Academic Press; 2019; pp. 149-153.

Risius, M.

Social Media Management - Advancing Social Media Analytics and Engagement

In: Dissertation Thesis 2016; Frankfurt am Main

Risius, M.; Pape, T.

Developing and Evaluating a Readability Measure for Microblogging Communication

In: Workshop on e-Business (WeB) 2015: E-Life: Web-Enabled Convergence of Commerce, Work, and Social Life; 2015; pp. 217-221 

Conference Proceedings

Chen, T.; Wang, D.; Liang, X.; Risius, M.; Demartini, G.; Yin, H.
Hate Speech Detection with Generalizable Target-aware Fairness
In: Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, pp. 365-375

Cumming, D.; Utting, M.; Dong, N.; Cassez, F.; Tork, S. B.; Risius, M.
EVM-Vale: Formal Verification of EVM Bytecode using Vale
In: 7th Symposium on Distributed Ledger Technology 2023 (SDLT 2023), Gold Coast, Australia

Cheung, C. M. K.; Risius, M.; Lee, M. K. O.; Wagner, C.
Introduction to Adversarial Coordination in Collaboration and Social Media Systems Minitrack of the Collaboration Systems and Technologies Track

In: 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2023), Maui, Hawaii

Fang, Y.; Risius, M.; Cheung, C. M. K.
Understanding the Current State of Knowledge and Future Directions of Doxing Research: A Social Cognitive Theory Perspective 

In: 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2023), Maui, Hawaii

Cumming, D.; Utting, M.; Dong, N.; Cassez, F.; Tork, S. B.; Risius, M.
Verification of EVM Bytecode with Vale
In: 6th Symposium on Distributed Ledger Technology 2022 (SDLT 2022), Gold Coast, Australia

Cheung, C. M. K.; Risius, M.; Lee, M. K. O.; Wagner, C.

Introduction to Adversarial Coordination in Collaboration and Social Media Systems Minitrack of the Collaboration Systems and Technologies Track 

In: 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2022)

Shan, G.; Wattal, S.; Risius, M.; Thatcher, J. B.

How Fact-checking Affects News Engagement on Social Media Platforms: A Multi-method Study

In: Workshop on Information Systems Economics (WISE 2021), Austin, TX, USA

Cheung, C. M. K.; Risius, M.; Lee, M. K. O.; Wagner, C.

Introduction to the Minitrack on Social Media and e-Business Transformation

In: 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2021)

Risius, M.; Baumann, A.; Krasnova, H.

Developing a New Paradigm: Introducing the Intention-Behaviour Gap to the Privacy Paradox Phenomenon

In: 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2020), Marrakesh, Morocco

Chanson, M.; Gjoen, J.; Risius, M.; Wortmann, F.

Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs): The role of Social Media for Organizational Legitimacy and Underpricing

In: 39th International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS 2018); San Francisco, USA 

Heavey, C; Kyprianou, C.; Simsek, Z.; Risius, M.

Strategic Leadership in the Digital Age: A Multi-Disciplinary Review, Framework, and Research Agenda

In: 38th Strategic Management Society Conference (SMS 2018); Paris, France; nominated for the Best Conference Paper Award

Janze, C.; Risius, M.

Automatic Detection of Fake News on Social Media Platforms

In: Proceedings of the 21st Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2017); Langkawi, Malaysia

Winner of the Best Conference Paper Award

Risius, M.; Benthaus, J.; Akolk, F.

Is it Worth it? Dismantling the Process of Social Media Related Sales Performance

In: Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2016); Istanbul, Turkey

Risius, M.; Akolk, F.

Differentiated Sentiment Analysis of Corporate Social Media Accounts

In: Proceedings of the 21st American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2015); Fajardo, Puerto Rico

Risius, M.; Akolk, F.; Beck, R.

Differential Emotions and the Stock Market. The Case of Company-Specific Trading.

In: Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2015); Muenster, Germany

Risius, M.

Is it Really About Facts? The Positive Side of Meforming for Turning Self-Disclosure into Social Capital in Enterprise Social Media

In: Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2014); Tel Aviv, Israel

Dernbecher, S.; Risius, M.; Beck, R.

Bridging The Gap - Organizational Mindfulness and Mindful Organizing in Mobile Work Environments

In: Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2014); Tel Aviv, Israel

Risius, M.; Beck, R.

You Reap What You Sow? How Knowledge Exchange Effectiveness is Affected by Different Types of Communication in Enterprise Social Media

In: Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2014); nominated for the Best Paper Award; Big Island, Hawaii, USA


Ciriello, R.; Risius, M.; Cheong, M.; Scheepers; Thatcher, J.
Navigating Ethical Tensions in Digital Innovation with Compassionate IS Scholarship
In: Panel at 34th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2023), Wellington, NZ.

French, A.;  Shim, J.P.;  Risius, M.;  Larsen, K. R.; Jain, H.

The 4th  Industrial Revolution - Powered by the Integration of 5G, AI, and Blockchain

In: Panel at the 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2019); Cancun, Mexico

French, M.;  Shim, J.P.; Parsons, J.; Risius, M.; Bordnick, P. S.; Holtman, D. 

Virtual Reality and Blockchain Technology in the Era of 5G

In: Panel at the 24th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2018); New Orleans, USA

Research in Progress

Xie, H.; Namvar, M.; Risius, M.;  Akhlaghpour, S.
Navigating Implicit Hate Speech -  A Scoping Review
In: 32nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2024), Paphos, Cyprus

Blasiak, K. M.; Risius, M.; Matook, S.

Conceptualising Social Bots for Countering Online Extremist Messages

In: 32nd Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2021), Sydney, Australia

Blasiak, K. M.; Risius, M.; Matook, S.

"Social Bots for Peace": A Dual-Process Perspective to Counter Online Extremist Messaging

In: 42nd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2021), Austin, Texas, USA

French, A.; Treiblmaier, H.; Risius, M.

Blockchain: Technical Feasibility for Assessing Organizational Fit

In: 26th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2020), Salt Lake City, Utah 

Treiblmaier, H.; French, A.; Risius, M.

Cultural Feasibility as a Moderator of Blockchain Acceptance in Academia

In: 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2020), Marrakesh, Morocco

Risius, M.; Aydingül, O.; Haug, M.

Towards an Understanding of Conspiracy Echo Chambers on Facebook

In: 27th European Conference on Information Sytems (ECIS 2019); Stockholm-Uppsala, Sweden

Risius, M.; Aydingül, O.

Facebook User Segmentation to Enable Targeted Social Advertisement

In: 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2018); San Francisco, USA

Chanson, M.; Risius, M.; Wortmann, F. 

Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs): An Introduction to the Novel Funding Mechanism Based on Blockchain Technology

In: 24th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2018); New Orleans, USA


(industry reports, workshop and other journal publications) 

Bryant, M.; Risius, M.; Thatcher, J.
Guilty Until Proven Innocent?: The Effects Of Shadowbanning On Social Media User Perceptions
In: TREO Paper at 32nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2024), Paphos, Cyprus 

Xie, H.; Risius, M.; Namvar, M.;  Akhlaghpour, S.
“Substitution”: Extremists’ New Form of Implicit Hate Speech to Avoid Detection
In:  Global Network on Extremism & Technology (GNET) Insights 2024

Risius, M.; Karanasios, S.
Terrorist content lurks all over the internet – regulating only 6 major platforms won’t be nearly enough

In: The Conversation 2024

Karanasios, S.; Risius, M.
Algorithms are pushing AI-generated falsehoods at an alarming rate. How do we stop this?

In: The Conversation 2024

Risius, M.; Karanasios, S.
Australia has fined X Australia over child sex abuse material concerns. How severe is the issue – and what happens now?

In: The Conversation 2023

Xie, H.; Namvar, M.; Risius, M.
A Review of Hate Speech Detection: Challenges and Innovations
In: pre-ICIS Special Interest Group Workshop on the Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (SIGADIT) 2023, Hyderabad, India.

Breidbach, C. F.; Maglio, P. P.; Lowe, J.; Krishnan, P.; Risius, M.; Beekhuyzen, J.; Heinz, D.; Yang, J.
Using blockchain technologies in service
In: 2023 Digital Service Transformation: Pathways to Human and Economic Wellbeing White Paper

Risius, M.; Blasiak, K. M.; 

What is shadowbanning? How do I know if it has happened to me, and what can I do about it?

In: The Conversation 2022

Risius, M.; Blasiak, K. M.; Wibisono, S.; Jabri-Markwell, R.; Louis, W.

Dynamic Matrix of Extremisms and Terrorism (DMET): A Continuum Approach Towards Identifying Different Degrees of Extremisms

In: Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) 2021 Taxonomy Expansion Briefing Paper Series

Blasiak, K. M.; Risius, M.; Wibisono, S.; Louis, W.

Where the gaps are: Over- and under-representation in academic research of violent extremists online by platform and cause

In: Data Blitz in Society for Personality and Social Psychology's Annual Convention (SPSP 2021)

Louis, W.; Wibisono, S.; Blasiak, K. M.; Risius, M.

Literature Review of Terrorist and Violent Extremist Use of the Internet

In: 2021 Report for the Department of Home Affairs, Online Terrorism and Violent Extremism Policy - Cyber, Digital and Technology Policy Division, Canberra, Australia

Treiblmaier, H.; French, A.; Risius, M. 

Towards a Feasibility Framework for Blockchain Acceptance

In: Blockchain Research eWorkshop - Blockchain: Beyond the Horizon at 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2020), Marrakesh, Morocco 

Treiblmaier, H.; Risius, M.; French, A.

Blockchain transformation as a socio-technical phenomenon

In: 6th International Workshop on Socio-Technical Perspective in IS (STPIS 2020) 

Anaraky, R. G.; Nabizadeh, T.;  Knijnenburg, B. P.; Risius, M.

Reducing Default and Framing Effects in Privacy Decision-Making 

In: Proceedings of the 17th Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS  (SIGHCI 2018); San Francisco, USA 

Pu, W.; Risius, M.; Sun, H.; Thatcher, J.

Multiple Identity Activation: An Attention Draining State that Reduces Stress

In: Digitization of the Individual Workshop at 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS DOTI 2018); San Francisco, USA 

Risius, M.; Spohrer, K.

Understanding the Blockchain Platform Choice of Complementors – How Do Blockchain Platforms Afford Business Models?

In: JAIS Paper Development Workshop at the 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2017); Seoul, South Korea

Glaser, F.; Risius, M.

The Side Effects of Scrutinising Traders in Social Trading Platforms

In: LSE Business Review (2017)

Risius, M.; Benthaus, J.; Akolk, F.

Increasing Sales Performance through Social Media Activities

In: EFL Quarterly 4/2016; Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Risius, M.; Akolk, F.; Beck, R.

Predicting Stock Price Movements with Social Media Sentiment (German original: “Mit Social-Media-Stimmungen Börsenkursbewegungen vorhersagen”)

In: Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management (WuM), 3/2016

Risius, M.; Beck, R.

Improving the Corporate Public Perception through Social Media

In: EFL Quarterly 1/2016; Frankfurt am Main

Risius, M.; Akolk, F.; Beck, R.

Analyzing the Relationship between Differentiated Online Sentiment and Company-Specific Stock Prices

In: EFL Quarterly 3/2015; Frankfurt am Main

Dernbecher, S.; Risius, M.; Beck, R.

Improving Job Performance in Mobile Work Environments through Mindful Organizing

In: EFL Quarterly 4/2014; Frankfurt am Main

Risius, M.

Building Social Capital via Microblogging in the Financial Services Industry

In: EFL Quarterly 2/2014; Frankfurt am Main

Risius, M.; Beck, R.

You Reap What You Sow! Differences in Knowledge Exchange Effectiveness Between Communication Types

In: EFL Quarterly 1/2014; Frankfurt am Main