Affiliated Awards

Terrorism, Security, and Society (TSAS) Fellowship

In: Ottawa, Canada, 2022

Kevin M. Blasiak received a $2,500 dollar fellowship stipend to attend the TSAS' Gala at the University of Waterloo, Ottawa, Canda.

Temple University 11th Annual PhD Student Research Competition

In: Temple University, USA, 2021

Guohou Shan was recognized for the best presentation in the 2nd Year Paper category at the 23rd Annual Research Roundtable Awards by Fox School of Business at Temple University.

Facebook PhD Fellowship - Emerging Scholars

In: Facebook Research, 2021

Reza received a two-year Facebook PhD fellowship to support his work on privacy and data use. He focuses on empowering minorities and older adult populations to manage their online privacy as these groups are currently less attended in academic literature and industry.

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ECIS 2020 - Best Conference Research-in-Progress Nomination

In: European Conference on information Systems, Marrakech, Morocco, 2020

The RIP on "Individual Unlearning as Enabler for Innovation in Agile IS Development" of the PhD student Kevin Blasiak was nominated for the Best Conference RIP.

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Innovative Research on Aging Awards - PhD Student Award

In: Mather Institute, USA, 2020

Co-supervised PhD student Reza Ghaiumy Anaraky was recognized with the silver award for excellent applied research for the aging services industry.

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AIS Student Leadership Conference - Computational Society Case Study Challenge

In: Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 2019

Annual award for supervised AIS student chapter group for their case study on "AI Solutions to Improve Patient Well-Being"

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Boyd Joseph Todd Management Merit Award - Student Award

In: Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, USA, 2019

Annual award for Madison Leopard's exceptional in- and out-of-class performance as a management student at the Clemson College of Business

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Federal Association of German Economists and Managers - Best Economic Thesis Awards

In: Stuttgart, Germany, 2018

Annual award for Christoph Reisch's co-supervised Master Thesis on "Bitcoin Price Information: Noise or Information - What Drives the Bitcon Price?" from the Bundesverband Deutscher Volks- und Betriebswirte e.V.

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Society for the Promotion of Information Systems Mannheim - Master Thesis Award

In: Mannheim, Germany, 2018

Annual award for Christoph Reisch's co-supervised Master Thesis on "Bitcoin Price Information: Noise or Information - What Drives the Bitcon Price?" from the Förderkreis für Wirtschaftsinformatik e.V. Mannheim

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Hanns Voith Foundation Award - Master Thesis Award

In: Mannheim, Germany, 2018

Annual award for Christoph Reisch's co-supervised Master Thesis on "Bitcoin Price Information: Noise or Information - What Drives the Bitcon Price?" from the Hanns Voith Foundation

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