Professor Mark Toleman - Consulting

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Higher Education Consulting Experience

Information Systems Consulting Experience

Since 1984 MA & M Toleman have worked with the CEFN group of companies on various computer-based solutions for intensive animal production. The programs included piggery planning and budgeting systems, modelling programs for pig production, financial and invoicing systems as well as the main pig husbandry program described below. Initially these systems operated on HP3000 and HP260 computers.

In 1998 MA & M Toleman completely redeveloped the CEFN group's Pig Husbandry on a Computer (PHOAC) system into a Microsoft Windows-based environment. PHOAC is a pig herd recording and management system providing flexible input and output facilities (including graphical trend analysis) for use by both commercial farmers and pig breeding concerns. Input is thoroughly checked for accuracy and consistency before being allowed into the system. Undo facilities allow operator errors to be corrected easily without resort to complex procedures for reversal of data.

PHOAC runs on a Microsoft Windows platform using a Microsoft Access database for storage of all data and parameters relevant to a farm or set of farms. Most similar systems utilise specialised file formats to hold all data, but by using a generic database (another SQL-based database could easily be substituted) ad hoc queries and reports, outside the normal set of PHOAC reports, may be generated with ease using the facilities available in the database system, including SQL. The system is extensive and comprehensive, yet easy to use, just ask the owners of the program at CEFN. For the technically minded, the system is written in Microsoft Visual Basic and utilises embedded-SQL queries for database access. There are nearly 150 programs and over 100,000 lines of source code.

PHOAC is integrated with PIGBlup, a genetic evaluation system for pigs, developed by the Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit (AGBU). PHOAC is able to download and upload relevant breeding information, produced by PIGBlup, quickly and easily. It also has upload facilities for data collected and used in the Agrosoft and EliteHerd pig management systems.

PHOAC can also provide data, suitable for analysis using PrimePulse (previously PigPulse), production analysis software developed by the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (was Primary Industries), Pig Husbandry Branch.

If you want more information on PHOAC, please contact MA & M Toleman.

Copyright © MA & M Toleman

Created: 25/02/99 Modified: 15/07/24