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Published papers

Managing Long Working Hours: Evidence from a Management Practice Survey

with Ryo Kambayashi, Taisuke Kameda, Takuma Kawamoto, and Shigeru Sugihara

Journal of Human Resources, 2025. [ESRI Discussion Paper version]

Using Managers' Expectations for Ex-Ante Policy Evaluation: Evidence from the COVID-19 Crisis

with Kohei Kawaguchi, Naomi Kodama, and Hiroshi Kumanomido

Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2023.

Globalization and Female Empowerment: Evidence from Myanmar

with Teresa Molina

Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2023.

Microfinance Competition and Multiple Borrowing: Evidence using Panel Data from Bangladesh

with Yasuyuki Sawada and Minhaj Mahmud

Review of Development  Economics, 2022.

No Successor, No Success? The Impact of a Little Son on Business Performance

with Naomi Kodama and Yoshiaki Murakami

Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 2021.

Small Business under the COVID-19 Crisis: Expected Short- and Medium-Run Effects of Anti-Contagion and Economic Policies

with Kohei Kawaguchi and Naomi Kodama

Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 2021. 

Firm Performance and Macro Forecast Accuracy

with Nicholas Bloom, Joel David, and Maiko Koga

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2020. [VOX-EU Column]

Exporting Sweatshops? Evidence from Myanmar

Review of Economics and Statistics, 2020.

Short and Long Recall Errors in Retrospective Household Surveys: Evidence from a Developing Country

with Yasuyuki Sawada and Hiroyuki Nakata

The Journal of Development Studies, 2019.

Working papers

Leaders in Social Movements: Evidence from Unions in Myanmar

with Laura Boudreau, Rocco Macchiavello, and Virginia Minni.

[VoxDev Column]

Conditionally accepted at American Economic Review.

The Scope of Variable Inputs and Markup Estimates

with Shuichiro Nishioka

Revision requested at the RAND Journal of Economics.

Meritocracy and Its Discontents: Long-run Effects of Repeated School Admission Reforms

with Chaki Moriguchi and Yusuke Narita

[RIETI Discussion Paper version] [CJEB Columbia Business School Working Paper]

Family Labor, Enforcement, and Product Quality: Evidence from the Lao Textile Industry

with Yasuyuki Sawada

RIETI Discussion Paper.

Plant Survival and Regional Banking in Japan

with Shuichiro Nishioka and Toshihiro Okubo

RIETI Discussion Paper.

Measuring Markups from Revenue and Total Cost: An Application to Japanese Plant-Product Matched Data

with Shuichiro Nishioka

RIETI Discussion Paper.

Industrial Relations and Workplace Communication in Myanmar Garment Sector

with Virginia Minni, Hanh Nguyen, and Rocco Macchiavello

IGC Working Paper.

Entropy Characterisation of Insurance Demand: Theory and Evidence

with Hiroyuki Nakata and Yasuyuki Sawada

RIETI Discussion Paper.

Work in progress

Human and Nature: Economies of Density and Conservation in the Amazon Rainforest

with Shunsuke Tsuda and Yoshito Takasaki

The Last or Lasting Samurai? The Impact of Secondary Schools in Early Development

with Hidehiko Ichimura, Yasuyuki Sawada, and Yutaro Takayasu.

The Origins of Lean Production: U.S. Training for Japanese Firms after WWII

with Michela Giorcelli, Yuki Higuchi and Yutaro Takayasu.

The Rise of Service Clusters: Evidence from a Vietnamese Wholesale Market 

with Yuki Higuchi and Le Bich Ngan.

Articles/Book Chapters

Economic and Social Development of Bangladesh Miracle and Challenges, Chapter 6 and 10, edited by Yasuyuki Sawada, Minhaj Muhmud, and Naohiro Kitano, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 

Should We Blame Walmart and Nike for the Factory Collapses in Bangladesh? SIEPR Policy Brief, December 2013.

The Impact of Exporting on Factory Working Conditions in Myanmar PEDL Research Note. 

Risk Preference of Managers and Firm Investments in Lao PDR, with Yasuyuki Sawada, in Disaster Risks, Social Preferences, and Policy Effects: Field Experiments in Selected ASEAN and East Asian Countries, ERIA Research Project Report FY 2013, eds. Sothea Oum, No.34. Jakarta: ERIA, pp. 265-283.