Third mission and professional experience
2019-2023. Research planning executive manager at CRIEP – Interuniversity Research Centre on Public Economics (University of Padova), under the institutional agreement with the academic spinoff Economit.
Reviewing activity for Energy Economics; Energy Policy; Energy; Sustainability; Energies; The Energy journal; Applied energy.
Guest Editor: “Energies”, Special Issue on "New approaches and valuation in electricity markets" (IF: 3.252), invited.
Member COST Action CA19126, Positive Energy Districts European Network (PED-EU-NET)
Other professional activities:
• 2022: Cost-Benefit Analysis Expert for ARERA – National Italian Authority for The Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment. Contract with TERNA (National Transmission System Operator) for the review of the Cost Benefit Analysis of the rationalization of the Valtellina-Valchiavenna area.
• 2020: 11 months contract with EASME as expert for H2020-EIC-FTI-2018-2020 project evaluation. Evaluation of Fast Track to Innovation projects (horizon2020) in the field of energy production and energy efficiency. The evaluation process determined fund assignments from the EU Commission.
• 2019-ongoing: Member of the “Global Observatory on Peer-to-Peer, Community Self-Consumption and Transactive Energy Models” ( and “Energy Trading Task Force” of the same group.
Third mission reports:
· 2020: "Valutazione sintetica dei costi e dei benefici degli interventi infrastrutturali stradali di interesse per il territorio padovano e stima dei flussi del traffico merci interportuali", member of CRIEP research team and coordinator for Economit s.r.l.. Project commissioned by private company;
· 2019: "La spesa pubblica in infrastrutture nella Provincia di Padova", member of CRIEP research team. Project commissioned by private company;
· 2016: "Rapporto sulla competitività delle aree urbane - VI Edizione", member of CRIEP research team. Project commissioned by private company;
· 2015: "Recupero e riqualificazione delle aree produttive", with M. Brasson and L. Greco. Research project commissioned by private organization.