Conferences and workshops
Scientific and organizing committee: 2022: First Padova Workshop on Environmental and Resource Economics (Padova, November 25th); 2018 - XXX SIEP conference "Global structural changes and government challenges" (Padova, September 20th-21st); 2018 – CRIEP Workshop "Research Frontiers on Public-Private Partnerships" (Padova, September 19th).
Speaker: 8th Energy Finance Italia, 8-10 February 2023, Milan. 7th AIEE Symposium “Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security”, 14-16 December 2022 (online) speaker.I st MED-IAERE conference, Cagliari April 23rd, 2022 (online poster session on MED projects). 6th AIEE Symposium “Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security”, December 14-16 (online) speaker. Workshop “Research Dialogues on the complexity of the energy transition” - 6,7 Dec 2021, Unibs Brescia (blended), invited speaker. International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2021), Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2021 (online) speaker and chair. XXXIII annual SIEP conference “Effetti della pandemia e scenari per l'economia e la finanza pubblica” Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro” 16 and 17 September 2021 (online), speaker. “Ninth Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (IAERE)”, Brescia 2021 (on line), speaker. “5th AIEE Energy Symposium: Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security”, Milano 2020 (online), speaker. “New metropolitan perspectives”, Reggio Calabria 2020 (online), speaker. Eighth IAERE Annual Conference, Brescia 2020, speaker and chair. 3rd Aiee Symposium “Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security”, Milan 2018, speaker. XXX SIEP conference "Global structural changes and government challenges", Padova 2018, speaker and member of the scientific committee. Sixth IAERE Annual Conference, Turin 2018, speaker. 15th IAEE European Conference 2017 “Heading towards sustainable energy systems: evolution or revolution?”, Vienna 2017, speaker. “2014 IAEE European Conference”, Rome 2014, speaker. Seminar during the “Summer School on Economics of Electricity markets”, Ghent 2014.