The Muse

The mischievous Imp play comic, fleeting between leaves. The Hamadryad entranced in wooded reverie and petrichor. The Naiad, petite, sing morning preludes beside waters. The Greek Goddess, evanescent, tread across sunlight-dappled floor.

But the Muse! The Muse! The tantalising and elusive!

It is for she, artisans of math and music have long sought.

An engine of inspiration, A brilliant stroke of genius,

But a creature of regal air? No, she is not.

The Muse is a middle-aged man, obese and foul,

A crude and crass cad, lounging on the couch,

With oiled fingers, Cheetos-covered and beer in hand,

Belching and burping vulgarity, with halitosis to vouch.

And though you implore and cajole with earnest

For the Muse to grant you a taste of magical touch,

He looks on, disinterested, laughing with pomp and disdain,

“You are a waste of my time. My magic won’t help you that much”.

You sit down at your canvas, staring at the blank,

At the uncreated, the unborn, the never have-been and never was.

You start with a letter, a sentence, a paragraph,

From the dusts of nothing, the words flow without pause.

Hours and hours, you feed life, soul and blood,

With fixated mind, wiping toiled sweat from the brow.

The Muse gravitates closer, with reluctant, discerning eyes,

Critically inspecting and ever chiding, asking the what, why and how.

And then he does it. Does what? A magic trick of miracle and marvel.

Inspiration. Innovation. An idea so imaginative to behold.

Gripping geniuses, electrifying inventors, making musicians cry and mathematicians laugh,

That brief, shining moment of Eureka unfolds.

Now, the Muse is on your side. He bellows, roars and rages.

Shredding flaws, tearing down walls, demanding perfection at every bend.

He waits over you, with lashing whip and thrashing stick,

Reigning hell till the masterpiece reaches its end.

And finally it’s done. The Muse returns to his idle,

Never asking for a word of thanks, reward or adieu.

So when you go and search for the Muse

Don’t. Work hard and the Muse will find you.