Seminar: Shimura Varieties

Goal: Learning Shimura varieties is hard. This seminar aims to give a basic introduction and stream-lined overview of Shimura varieties, their examples and their geometry. We will be going through Milne's notes, including canonical models, reflex fields and good reductions of Shimura varieties.

In particular, we will try to be as hands-on as possible and have some concrete examples in our pocket. I do not foresee this but if time permits, I can present some topics that are more directly related to my research (i.e. local models of Shimura varieties, Bruhat-Tits group schemes, orbital integrals, etc.). 

Speaker: I will give all of the talks and provide all of the notes, unless you would like to volunteer of course!

Space-time coordinates: Tuesday, 9:30am-11am, Math lounge



In case you were wondering:
To give a sense of how Shimura varieties relate to my research, I'm trying to understand these papers: