Academic Activities

Reading diet:  I am currently studying the following: 

UPenn Seminars (as a Ph.D. student): From 2018-2021, I've given talks at seminars (in and outside of coursework) at UPenn.

2020-2021 Infinity categories (Q-construction),
Stacks course (multiple talks),
Derived Algebraic Geometry (Simplicial Commutative Rings, Cotangent complexes),
Deformation Theory seminar: from zero to hero (Cotangent complexes)
Azumaya Algebra seminar (Stacks)
Math619: Algebraic topology (Derived categories)
Math694: Mathematical Foundations of Theoretical Physics (GIT, Infinite-dimensional Kempf-Ness Theorem)
Very Short Talks (Higgs bundles)  

Reading groups (as an undergraduate) 

2018 Jan-June    Rep theory and Algebra student seminars, Topic: D-modules (Schedule)
    Members:  Sam Weatherhog, Alex Clark, Aiden Suter, Sinead WIlson, Adam Walsh, Seamus Albion

2017 Jul-Nov      Rep theory and Algebra student seminars
    Members: : Sam Weatherhog, Alex Clark, Aiden Suter, Sinead WIlson, Seamus Albion, Joseph Fyfield.

2017 Jan-June    Complex Geometry
  Members: Sam Weatherhog, Sinead Wilson

                           Linear Algebraic Groups
    Members: : Sam Weatherhog, Alex Clark