Summer 2021: Math240

In Summer 2021, I was the lecturer and course coordinator of Math240, which was held on zoom. Here are my course notes. Some of them may include the annotations that I wrote in class. If the notes are unreadable, let me know! I may be able to replace them with a cleaner/unannotated version. I can't say they were exactly the best...I became a teaching zombie as the weeks went on.

Let me know if you have questions about them!

Section 1: Matrices (notes)

Section 2: Gaussian elimination and inverses (Part 1, Part 2)

Section 3: Determinants and vector spaces (v1 and v2, I forget which one I used)

Section 4: Bases, dimension, linear independance, row space and column space (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)

Section 5: Rank-Nullity theorem and consequences (notes)

Section 6: Eigenvectors, eigenvalues, diagonalization (notes)

Section 7: Jordan canonical form and Jordan chains (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)

Section 8: Linear transformations, Inner product spaces, Singular Value Decomposition (notes)

Section 9: Linear differential equations, Wronskian, 2nd order ODE, Variation of parameters (Part 1, Part 2)

Section 10: Mass-Spring system, Cauchy-Euler equation (notes)

Section 11: Systems of differential equations (notes)

Section 12: Solving differential equations with Jordan canonical form (notes)

Section 13: Autonomous DEs and phase portraits (Part 1, Part 2)