
Main recent academic projects (last five years)

2023-2029 : PI of the targeted project Causali-T-AI of PEPR IA. Other partners : APTIKAL, Team of Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble, TAU and CELESTE Teams of INRIA Saclay.  See also the institutional website for a quick view of the project.

2023-2024 : CoPI with M. Cuntz (INRAE) of the LSMxAI Project funded by Institut Mathématiques de la Planète Terre  

2023-2027 :  Member of the JCJC ANR Project CLearDeep (PI : M. Tami, Centralesuplec)  

2021-2024 : French P.I. of the International Project EDDA (Germany-Japan-France).