Journal papers
X. Qian, G. Cabanes, P. Rastin, M. Alae Guidani, G. Marrakchi, M. Clausel, N. Grozavu, Incremental clustering based on Wasserstein distance between histogram models, Pattern Recognition, Vol 162, 111414 (2025)
Journal papers
J. Flamant, K. Usevich, M. Clausel, D. Brie. Polarimetric Fourier Phase Retrieval. SIAM Journal of Imaging Sciences vol 17(1), pp 632-671 (2024). Hal link
S. Arravechia, M. Clausel, C. Pradalier. Comparing Metrics for Evaluating 3D Map Quality in Natural Environments. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol 173 (2024). Arxiv link
M. Clausel, J. Diehl, R. Mignot, L. Schmitz, N. Siugara, K. Usevich. The barycenter in free nilpotent Lie groups and its application to iterated-integrals signatures. Accepted in SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry (2024). Arxiv link
B. Larvaron, M. Clausel, A. Bertoncello, S. Benjamin, G. Oppenheim, C. Bertin. Conditional Wasserstein barycenters to predict battery health degradation at unobserved experimental conditions. Journal of Energy Storage. 2024 vol 78 (2024)
International conferences
A. Sinha, T. Mickus, M. Clausel, M. Constant, and X. Coubez. Domain-specific or Uncertainty-aware models: Does it really make a difference for biomedical text classification? In Proceedings of the 23rd Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing, pages 202–211, Bangkok, Thailand. Association for Computational Linguistics. Aug 2024. pdf
Journal papers
D. Bouche, R. Flamary, F. d'Alché-Buc, R. Plougonven, M. Clausel, J. Badosa, P. Drobinski. Wind power predictions from nowcasts to 4-hour forecasts: a learning approach with variable selection. Renewable Energy, vol 211 pp 938-947 (2023) . Arxiv link
B. Lavaron, M. Clausel, A. Bertoncello, S. Benjamin, G. Oppenheim. Chained Gaussian processes with derivative information to forecast battery health degradation. Journal of Energy Storage, vol 65, 2023.
B. Lavaron, M. Clausel, A. Bertoncello, S. Benjamin, G. Oppenheim. Chained Gaussian processes to estimate battery health degradation with uncertainties. Journal of Energy Storage, vol 67 (2023). Google Scholar link
International conferences
A. Audibert, K.Usevich, M.R. Amini, M. Clausel, Low-Rank Updates of pre-trained Weights for Multi-Task Learning. Annual Meting of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2023
S. Aravecchia, A. Richard, M. Clausel, C. Pradalier, Next-Best-View Selection from Observation Viewpoint Statistics, International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2023
B.Lavaron, A. Bertoncello, M. Clausel, S. Benjamin, G. Oppenheim, A method for characterizing the evolution of state of health of a device with duration of operation. US Patent PCT/EP2023/070831
Journal papers
Q. Laporte, R. S. Stoica, M. Clausel, F. Charoy and G. Oster. Morpho-statistical description of networks through graph modelling and Bayesian inference. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering , vol 9(4) pp 2123-2138 (2022). Hal link
International conferences
A. Burashnikova, M. Clausel, M.R. Amini, Y.Maximov, N. Dante, Recommender systems, when memory matters. European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR) (2022). pdf
A. Sinha, C. Garcia Hldago, M. Clausel, M. Constant, Catch me if you can! Capturing complex disease mentions in tweets, SMM4H Workshop, COLING 2022, Code
A. Sinha, A.Vishwakarma, M. Clausel, and M. Constant, CME² Net: Contextual Medical Event Extraction Network for clinical notes. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Natural Language Processing: Workshop on Context-aware NLP in eHealth (WNLPe-Health), ICON 2022.
National conferences, book chapters
R. Mignot, K. Usevich, M. Clausel, G. Oppenheim, L. Coutin, A. Lejay, Barycentres de séries temporelles : une nouvelle approche basée sur la méthode de la signature. XXVIIIème colloque GRETSI, Nancy (2022).
J. Flamant, K. Usevich, M. Clausel, D. Brie, Reconstruction de phase polarimétrique. XXVIIIème colloque GRETSI, Nancy (2022).
Journal papers
A. Burashnikova, Y. Maximov, M. Clausel, C. Laclau, F. Iutzeler, M.R. Amini, Learning over no-Preferred and Preferred Sequence of items for Robust Recommendation. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research vol 71 pp 121-142 (2021). pdf
R. Rouhi, M. Clausel, J. Oster, F. Lauer, An Interpretable Hand-crafted Feature-based Model for Atrial Fibrillation Detection. Frontiers in Physiology, section Computational Physiology and Medicine (2021).
K. Polisano, M. Clausel, V. Perrier, L. Condat, Riesz-based orientation of localizable Gaussian fields. Appl. Comp. Harm. Anal..vol 50 pp 353-385 (2021). pdf
International conferences
D. Bouche, M. Clausel, F. Roueff, F. d'Alché-Buc, Nonlinear Functional Output Regression: A Dictionary Approach. Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2021. pdf
Journal papers
S. Achard, M. Clausel, I. Gannaz, F. Roueff, New results on approximate Hilbert pairs of wavelet filters with common factors. Appl. Comp. Harm. Anal., vol. 49(3), pp. 1025-1045 (2020). pdf
International conferences
S. Alkoury, E. Devijver, M. Clausel, M. Tami, E. Gaussier, G. Oppenheim, Smooth And Consistent Probabilistic Regression Trees. Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2020. pdf
Journal papers
F. Autin, M. Clausel, J.M. Freyermuth, C. Marteau, Maxiset point of view for signal detection and inverse problems. Mathematical Methods of Statistics, vol 28, pp. 228-242 (2019). pdf
K. Polisano, L. Condat, M. Clausel, V. Perrier, A convex approach to super resolution and regularization of lines in images. SIAM Journal of Imaging Sciences, vol. 12(1), pp. 211-258 (2019). pdf
National conferences, book chapters
K. Polisano, L. Condat, M. Clausel, V. Perrier, Une approche convexe de la super résolution et de la régularisation de lignes 2D dans les images, XXVIIème colloque GRETSI, Lille (2019). pdf
R. Cornillet, M. Clausel, F. Enikeeva, L. Navarro, P. Carré, The wavelet leaders spectrum, a new tool for blind steganalysis? XXVIIème colloque GRETSI, Lille (2019).
Journal papers
Y. Farouj, J.M. Freyermuth, L. Navarro, M. Clausel, P. Delachartre, Ultrasound Spatio-temporal Despeckling via Kronecker. Wavelet-Fisz Thresholding. Signal, Image and Video Processing, vol 12(6), pp 1125-1132 (2018).
S. Sidana, S. Amer-Yahia, M. Clausel, M. Rebai, M.R. Amini, S. T. Mai, Health Monitoring on Social Media over Time. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol 30(8),pp 1467-1480 (2018). pdf
A. Dervillé, M. Clausel, J.F. Coeurjolly. Atomic force microscopy data enhancement and correction using asymmetric M-estimates, Metrologia, vol 55(5), pp 637-644, (2018).
Journal papers
M. Clausel, S. Nicolay, A weak local irregularity property in Snu spaces. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, vol 14(3), pp 102 (2017). pdf
Y. Farouj, J.M. Freyermuth, L. Navarro, M. Clausel, P. Delachartre, Hyperbolic Wavelet-Fisz denoising for a model arising in Ultrasound Imaging. IEEE Trans. Comp. Imag., vol 3(1), pp 1-10 (2017).pdf
International conferences
I. Gannaz, S. Achard, M. Clausel, F. Roueff, Analytics Wavelets for Multivariate Time Series. Conference for Wavelets and Sparsity, SPIE (2017) pdf
H. Amoualian, W. Lu, E. Gaussier, M.R. Amini, G. Balikas, M. Clausel, Topical Coherence in LDA-based Models through Induced Segmentation. Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (2017). pdf
National conferences, book chapters
I. Gannaz, S. Achard, M. Clausel, F. Roueff, Ondelettes analytiques, application à l'analyse des processus multivariés à longue mémoire. XXVIème colloque GRETSI, Juan les Pins (2017). pdf
S. Amer-Yahia, M. Clausel, P.A. Davoine, Les tweets, des capteurs humains In "Les Big Data à découvert", pp 272-273, CNRS Editions (2017).
H. Amoualian, M. Clausel, E. Gaussier, Une Approche à Base de Copules pour Modéliser les Dépendances entre les Thèmes dans un Flux de Documents. CAp 2017
Journal papers
M. Clausel, J.F. Coeurjolly, J. Lelong, Stein estimation of the intensity of a spatial homogeneous Poisson point process. Annals of Applied Probability, vol 26(3), pp 1495-1534 (2016). pdf
International conferences
K. Polisano, L. Condat, M. Clausel, V. Perrier, Convex super-resolution detection of lines in images. EUSIPCO (2016). pdf
G. Balikas, H. Amoualian, M. Clausel, E. Gaussier, M.R. Amini, Modeling topic dependencies in semantically coherent text spans with copulas. COLING (2016). pdf
H. Amoualian, M. Clausel, E. Gaussier, M.R. Amini, On-line (doc. level) LDA with topical correlation over time. ACM KDD (2016). pdf
S. Sidana, S. Mishra, S. Amer-Yahia, M. Clausel, M. R. Amini, Health Monitoring on Social Media over Time. SIGIR (2016). pdf
G. Batikas, M.R. Amini, M. Clausel, On a Topic Model for Sentences. SIGIR (2016). pdf
Journal papers
M. Clausel, F. Roueff, M.S. Taqqu, Large scale reduction principle and application to hypothesis testing. Electronic Journal of Statistics, vol 9, pp 153-203 (2015). pdf
M. Clausel, T. Oberlin, V. Perrier, The Monogenic Synchrosqueezed Wavelet Transform: A tool for the Decomposition/Demodulation of AM-FM images. Appl. Comp. Harm. Anal., vol 39(3), pp 450-486 (2015). pdf
P. Abry, M. Clausel, S. Jaffard, S.G. Roux, B. Vedel, Hyperbolic wavelet transform: an efficient tool for multifractal analysis of anisotropic textures. Revista Matematica Iberoamericana, vol 31(1), pp 313-348 (2015). Arxiv Link
International conferences
M. Kuznetsov, M. Clausel, M.R. Amini, E. Gaussier, V. Strijov, Supervised topic classification for modeling a hierarchical conference structure. 22th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Istanbul (2015). pdf
National conferences, book chapters
Y. Farouj, L. Navarro, M. Clausel, P. Delacharte, Débruitage de séquence d'images dynamiques par ondelettes espace-temps hyperboliques. XXVème colloque GRETSI, Lyon (2015). pdf
K. Polisano, M. Clausel, V. Perrier, L. Condat, Modélisation de texture par champ gaussien à orientation locale prescrite. XXVème colloque GRETSI, Lyon (2015). pdf
Journal papers
M. Clausel, F. Roueff, M.S. Taqqu, C. Tudor, Asymptotic behavior of the quadratic variation of the sum of two Hermite processes of consecutive order. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, vol 124(7), pp. 2517-2541 (2014). pdf
M. Clausel, F. Roueff, M.S. Taqqu, C. Tudor, Wavelet estimation of the long memory parameter for Hermite polynomial of Gaussian processes. ESAIM P.S., vol 18, pp 42-76 (2014). pdf
International conferences
Y. Farouj, L. Navarro, M. Clausel, P. Delacharte, A variational shearlet-based model for aortic stent detection. International Conference on Signal Processing, Yangzhou, China (2014). pdf
Y. Farouj, L. Wang, P. Clarysse, L. Navarro, M. Clausel, P. Delacharte, Cardiac Motion Analysis using wavelet projections from Tagged MR sequences. International Conference on Image Processing, Paris (2014). pdf
K. Polisano, M. Clausel, V. Perrier, L. Condat, Texture modeling by Gaussian fields with prescribed local orientation. International Conference on Image Processing, Paris (2014). pdf
Journal papers
M. Clausel, F. Roueff, M.S. Taqqu, C. Tudor, High order chaotic limits of wavelet scalograms under long–range dependence. ALEA, Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, vol 10(2), pp 979-1011 (2013). pdf
S.G. Roux, M. Clausel, B. Vedel, S. Jaffard, P. Abry, The Hyperbolic Wavelet Transform for self–similar anisotropic texture analysis. IEEE Trans. Imag. Proc., vol 22(11), pp 4353-4363 (2013). pdf
International conferences
B. Bidegaray-Fesquet, M. Clausel, Data driven sampling of oscillating signals. 10th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTa'13), Bremen, Germany (2013). pdf
M. Clausel, B. Vedel, An optimality results about sample paths properties of Operator Scaling Gaussian Random Fields in anisotropic Besov spaces. Annals of the University of Bucharest (mathematical series), Proceedings of the "XIème Colloque Franco-Roumain de Mathématiques Appliquées" 4 (LXII), pp 375-409 (2013). pdf
Journal papers
M. Clausel, S. Nicolay, A wavelet characterization for the upper global Holder index. Jour. Four. Anal. Appl., vol 18(4), pp 750-769 (2012). pdf
M. Clausel, Lacunary Fractional Brownian Motion. ESAIM P.S., vol 16(1), pp 352-374 (2012). pdf
M. Clausel, F. Roueff, M.S. Taqqu, C. Tudor, Large scale behavior of wavelet coefficients of non-linear subordinated processes with long memory. Appl.Comp. Harm. Anal., vol 32, pp 223-241 (2012). .pdf
Journal papers
M. Clausel, S. Nicolay, Wavelets techniques for pointwise anti-Holderian irregularity. Constr. Approx., vol 33, pp 41-75 (2011). pdf
M. Clausel, B. Vedel, Explicit constructions of operator scaling Gaussian fields. Fractals, vol 19(1), pp 101-111 (2011). pdf
National conferences, book chapters
S.G. Roux, M. Clausel, B. Vedel, S. Jaffard, P. Abry, Transformée en ondelettes hyperboliques 2D pour la caractérisation des images autosimilaires anisotropes. XXIIIème colloque GRETSI, Bordeaux (2011).pdf
Journal paper
M. Clausel, S. Nicolay, Some prevalent results about strongly monoHölder functions. Non Linearity, vol 23(9), pp 2101-2116 (2010). HAL Link
National conferences, book chapters
M. Clausel, Gaussian fields satisfying simultaneous operator scaling relations, in "Fractals and relateds fields" Springer J.Barral and S.Seuret Eds, 15 pages (2009). pdf
Journal paper
M. Clausel, M. Durufle, P. Joly, S. Tordeux, A mathematical analysis of the resonance of the finite thin slots. Applied Numerical Mathematics, vol 56 (10-11), pp 1432-1449 (2006). pdf