Welcome on Marianne's website
"Je kunt ook zonder hoop actie ondernemen en zonder succes blijven volharden",
Willem van Oranje, Stadhouder van Holland, Koning van Engeland, Schotland en Ierland (1650-1702)
This sentence was at first pronounced in French by Charles le Téméraire, who died in Nancy in 1477 devoured by (probably hungry) wolfes because he was definitively too téméraire...
But it is much less funny !
Since September 2017, I am a Professor at the University of Lorraine.
I am a proud external collaborator of the Simul Research Group@CRAN. I maintain also strong links with my former colleagues (but still close friends) of APTIKAL Team@LIG.
I am involved in several partnerships with industrial and socio economic partners.
From 2017 to 2021, I was an active member of the board the Agence pour les Mathématiques en Interaction avec l'Entreprise et la Societe (AMIES) to promote partnerships between SME and academics.
From 2017, I have been especially involved in industrial and interdisciplinary collaborations with a strong environmental and societal impact (collaborations with SAFT, INRAE, AI-vidence...)
I am currently interested in developing mathematical tools to tackle the technical challenges related to the AI act. The AI act is a game changer in European regulation about AI. It was adopted by the European Parliament in March 2024 and came into effect in August 2024. More information : here
e-mail : marianne.clausel@univ-lorraine.fr
May 2025-August 2025 : I will be visiting researcher at Isaac Newton Institute (Cambridge University, UK) for the program "Representing, calibrating & leveraging prediction uncertainty from statistics to machine learning" .
Current grants
PI of the targeted project Causali-T-AI of PEPR IA (U. Lorraine, U. Grenoble-Alpes, INRIA Saclay). 2023-2029
French P.I. of the International Project EDDA (Germany-Japan-France). 2021-2024