Next Release Roadmap

Next Release Roadmap

Renato Almeida sent a contributtion for a bug (return null when does not find the server) in AutoConnect

Owain Cole sent a contributtion for a initialisationSuccess method in ConnectionListener


Take a look in them here

Also, it is not as issue, but is necessary:

    • Improve documentation urgently! A very good getting started maybe based on chat app (we need someone on it, if you got interested, send an email to dev list).
    • Recreate Blue Pong and Tik Tak Tooth using marge-core-v0.4.0

Do not forget:

    • Keep things compatible with the last version (do not forget to keep old methods and assign deprected in javadoc).
    • Write all Javadocs correclty, spent your time on it, it is pretty important for next users and developers.

Please join in the dev list for more information.