
Coordinated congresses and symposia


Symposium Faces of Laughter. Strategies in Art, Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, April 8.


De kunsthistoricus is afwezig. Over de zwijgzame opstelling van kunsthistorici bij ‘brandende kwesties’ rond de moderne kunst. Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, January 29.


Memmaker. In cooperation with the Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam, de Summer University of the University of Amsterdam and Felix Merites.


Monthly evening lectures in cooperation with Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam on topics within contemporary culture


The enscenering of art, University of Amsterdam, (speakers a.o. Frans Haks, Chris Dercon, Saskia Bos).


Farewell to utopia/Afscheid van de utopie, series of lectures and paneldiscussion University of Amsterdam in cooperation with Maison Descartes (speakers a.o. Hans van Dijk, Geert van Zeijl en Francoise Choay)

No Future/ Keine Zeit, project initiated by the Studium Generale University of Amsterdam

The love for the artwork/ De liefde voor het kunstwerk, series of lectures University of Amsterdam and a symposium in cooperation with Maison Descartes (speakers a.o. Julia Kristeva, Eric de Kuyper, Laszlo Beke).


Philosophers and literary scholars talking about the visual art/ Filosofen en literatuurwetenschappers over beeldende kunst, University of Amsterdam, (speakers a.o. Jos de Mul, Margret Brügmann, Jean Baudrillard).


Art and Literature/Kunst en Literatuur, University of Amsterdam, (speakers a.o J.F. Vogelaar, Peter Zima)

Filmsemiotics/ Semiotiek van de film, University of Amsterdam, (speakers.a.o Stephan Heath, Emile Poppe, Eric de Kuyper)

Walter Benjamin, University of Amsterdam (speakers.a.o Hans Thies Lehmann, Terry Eagleton, Michael Müller)

Fin-de-Siecle Vienna/ Wenen rond 1900, project initiated by the Studium Generale of the University of Amsterdam.