Education and academic career



Final exam gymnasium B, Menso Alting College Hoogeveen.


Bachelor degree in Art History Catholic University of Nijmegen (now Radboud University).

Program design Museum Education and Teacher Training Programme in Art History.

Bachelor thesis: De functie van taal in de conceptuele kunst (the function of language in conceptual art).


Philosophy of language, Logic and Linguistics by prof. dr. P.A.M. Seuren at the Catholic University of Nijmegen.

Degree in teaching methodology, Catholic University of Nijmegen.


Master program Art history at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (prof.dr. W.A. Beeren/ prof.dr. H.W. van Os);

Master thesis: Language as Art-Art as Language. A Study on the Journals Art-Language and The Fox, 1978;

Close involvement with the international conceptual and performance art.


Doctoral degree University of Amsterdam (supervisor prof.dr. P.W.M. de Meijer, professor Italian Language and Culture, former Head of the University of Amsterdam)

Academic Career


Part-time lecturer Catholic University Nijmegen, department Art History; master courses in theory and methodology of art history.


Full-time lecturer in the History of Art at the Teacher Training Program Stichting Lerarenopleiding Utrecht; courses in Medieval Art and Architecture; Renaissance Art and en Architecture; 19th Century Art and Architecture; and Modern Art and Architecture.

1980-2019 (year of retirement)

Assistant professor University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Humanities, Art History Department


Chair of the Kommissie Externe Kontakten (Committee External Affairs) at the Art History Department of the University of Amsterdam; initiator and organizer of symposia, series of lectures, partly in cooperation with Maison Descartes, British Council and the Goethe Institute

Projects initiated by the Studium Generale of the University of Amsterdam (Crea): Viennese Fin-de-Siecle Culture; Futuristic views in art and architecture; The Fascination with the Abject in Sciences and the Arts;


Member and vice-president of the Advisory Committee of the Municipal Museum of Arnhem. Now: the Museum of Modern Art Arnhem (MMKA)


Member Organizing committee SMBA (Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam) Lectures and Symposia (with 1996 Memmaker Symposium and 2001 Faces of Laughter. Female Strategies in Art)


Secretary of the Platform for Semiotic Studies of the Faculty of Humanities, later merged into ISELK/ ASCA


Member Executive Committee International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AISS)


Visiting lecturer University of Sao Paulo, Faculty of Art and Communication, Brazil. Seminar on the Aesthetics of the Ugly (Rosenkranz), the Formless (Bataille) and the Abject (Kristeva) and the meaning to the art of the 19th and 20th century.


Member International Scientific Board of the International Association for Visual Semiotics (IAVS/AISV) and Visio


Advisor Sonsbeek exhibition


Member of the Visual Arts and Design Committee of the Prins Bernard Culture Fund


Member Expert Group Professorship Art and Reflection ArtEZ


Board member Open Monumentendag Arnhem (Open Door Day for Objects ansd Subjects of Cultural Heritage)


Member of the Editorial Board of Underground Theory Stichting Interart

Expert meeting (organisation) Archives of Artists, April 15


Chair of the jury of the AICA award


Board member and treasurer of AICA Nederland


Rubicon NWO (The Netherlands Organisatio for Scientific Research)


Member of research group Sites of Memory


Zero squared. Textile Museum Tilburg (exhibition with work of Jan Schoonhoven, Henk Peeters, Wil Fruytier, Loes van der Horst, Corrie de Boer, Ria van Eyk, Marijke de Goeij, Madeleind Bosscher, Marian Bijlenge, Lam de Wolf en Beppe Kessler)


President advisory committees Mondrian Fund


President School’s Cool Arnhem