
     I make most of my quivers with Paper Birch bark.  Paper Birch grow everywhere here in the North, can grow quite large, and the bark is attractive.  It not only makes a waterproof quiver the bark is also extremely rot resistant.  It can also substitute quite well as a drum, this is more of a caution for hunters.  Here are pictures of some of the Birch bark quivers I have made in the past.

Birch bark quiver
Moderately decorated bark quiver
Well decorated quiver
Plain quiver

    I have also made the occasional rawhide quiver including this somewhat experimental back quiver.

Rawhide back quiver

    Whenever I get the opportunity I harvest Birch bark from any dead tree I run across on our property.  I prefer the bark from dead trees because I don't like killing a tree when I don't have to plus the bark undergoes a transformation after it dies that makes it more sturdy

Bark Tubes
Peeling bark



    If you have questions about quivers then you can contact me at: wistiwasi@gmail.com