

Contact Details

Prof. Marco Radi

Department of Food and Drug, University of Parma

Parco Area delle Scienze 27/A

43124 Parma


Email: marco.radi[at]

Tel. +39-0521906080

How to get here

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Copyright © MR Research 2017 - managed by Marco Radi

By train

Parma Railway Station (Piazzale Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa 11, Parma ; Tel. 0039 0521 771426). You can find detailed information on trains and timetables at the multi-lingual Trenitalia Web address; or you can contact the Call Center at the Italian number 199 892021.

By car

Autostrade S.p.A. - Stazione di Parma (Tel.: 0039 0521 273219)

Parma lies nearby the main Italian highway (A1) and the European Route E35, and can be easily reached by car. The Italian Motorways Web site, provides detailed information on the Italian roadways. In Italy, you have to pay a toll based on the length of your trip and on the region you are travelling through.