Quilter's Retreat

Annual Quilter's Retreat at Villa Madonna

Taking place in the quiet, restful setting of Villa Madonna, in Renforth, NB, our Guild members are looking forward to another great retreat. We spend two, or three nights together, enjoying the company and space. It is a wonderful opportunity to get to know our fellow quilters better, as well as forge ahead on some projects that have been in need of attention. It is such a success that, by the end of our time together, plans are already in the works for the next year's retreat. If you're interested in attending, get your name in early, because spaces fill up fast!

Here are some pictures to give you a hint of what's in store:

Each morning we start our day with a devotional service.

Here are some other images of our time together...

Meals were delicious, the camaraderie was terrific, and weather was cold, but decent, so the girls could get out for walk breaks every once in a while.

Here is a picture of most of our group from this year... A wonderful bunch of ladies! We're already looking forward to our next retreat! =)

Hope to see you there soon!


Retreat List

Following is a sample list of things to bring to the retreat (provided by Rosa Robichaud, one of our members). It is by no means a Requirements List, nor necessarily a complete list of what you will want to bring. It is provided to give you some ideas.


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