Our Constitution

Our Constitution

MPQG Constitution March 2023


The proposed new constitution was reviewed by a committee of members that included: Lillian Clark, DorothyHarvey, Marilyn Upton, and Bonnie Torunski on January 25th,

2023.  The new constitution would be:



The organization shall be known as the Marco Polo Quilters Guild.



The objectives of the Marco Polo Quilters Guild are as follows:

a.   To provide an enjoyable and congenial atmosphere in which to learn and share quilt-

ing ideas and experiences.

b.   To support selected programs in the community.

c.   To provide an opportunity to appreciate all types and techniques in quilting and re-

lated fibre arts.

d.   To foster the appreciation of modern, traditional, and historical quilts.



Executive Officers of the Marco Polo Quilters Guild shall be:

a. President

b. Vice President

c. Treasurer

d. Recording Secretary 

e. Membership Chair

f. Workshop Chair 

g. Program Chair

h. Past President


Other officers of the Marco Polo Quilters Guild shall be:

a. Canadian Quilters Association Liaison

b. Corresponding Secretary 

c. Hospitality

d. Library

e. Media/Newsletter/Facebook

f.  Website

g. Telephone

h. Quilters Cove Liaison


The executive shall be comprised of the officers of the guild, duly elected at an annual meeting and hold officefor two years. The president, vice president and membership chair shall be elected one year and therecording secretary, treasurer, program chair, and workshop chair, the next. There shall be at least 3 executive meetings each year. The length of time allowed in any elected position shall be limited to two consecutive terms.



The annual meeting shall be held in May of each year. At this time, all annual reports, including financialbreakdowns, shall be presented by committee chairpersons. The Nominations Committee Chairperson (PastPresident) shall bring forth a slate of officers for the coming year.




Dues shall be payable at the September meeting. New members pay half of the current dues in the New Year.




The regular monthly meetings shall be held the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM. There will be no meeting in July and August.




A quorum for a business meeting shall consist of one third of the paid members. The quorum for an executive meeting shall be five members.





There shall be three signing officers for the Marco Polo Quilters Guild; the Treasurer, thePresident, and the Vice President and any two of these officers must sign.



a.   The budget shall be prepared biennially and presented to the membership. In the intervening years the budget will be reviewed and presented to the membership. Under extraordinary conditions, a mid-year budget may be presented to the membership for approval.

b.  Any expenditure above the allocated budget must be approved by the membership.




The Quilt Fair Committee shall be a committee distinct from the Guild Executive. The Quilt Fair Committee shall consist of a Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, and others determined by them.




Amendments to the Constitution

The Constitution may be amended at any time, provided the following conditions are


a.   The amendment is proposed by the executive or by an individual member, or considered to have been given to the secretary via the minutes at least one month prior to the next general meeting.

b.   Notice of the amendment is given to each voting member at least one week prior to the next general meeting.

c.   Voting shall be either by ballot or voice, if it is the pleasure of the meeting.

d.   Amendments must have a two thirds majority of the members present at the meeting to carry.




All business meetings shall be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order.   The order of business shall be:

a. Call to order

b. Agenda accepted as distributed or as amended

c. Minutes accepted as distributed with corrections or omissions amended 

d.Treasurer's report

e. Committee reports

f. Special order - business tabled for further discussion 

g. Old business

h. New business

i.  Announcements

j.  Call for adjournment


The Guild may receive or invest endowments and use the interest from these for the purpose intended by the donor, and to further its educational activities.



There shall be no personal benefit to members, officers, or executive during operations

or wind up of the organization.



Should the Marco Polo Quilters Guild cease to exist, any and all funds or equipment belonging to the Guild will be donated to a like organization or charity.