
[16] M. Cavalcante and Gerardo Huaroto. The cubic nonlinear fractional Schrödinger equation on the half-line, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS, v. 244, p. 113540, 2024.

[15] Cavalcante, M. ; Muñoz C. . Asymptotic Stability of KdV solitons on the half-line: A study in the energy space, to appear in SIMA, 2023

[14] CAPISTRANO-FILHO, ROBERTO DE A. ; CAVALCANTE, MÁRCIO ; GALLEGO, FERNANDO A. . Controllability for Schrödinger type system with mixed dispersion on compact star graphs. Evolution Equations and Control Theory, v. 12, p. 1, 2023

[13] M. A. Alejo, M. Cavalcante and A. J. Corcho. Stability of mKdV breathers on the half-line, Partial Differential Equations and Applications (2022) 3:70

[12] R. A. Capistrano-Filho and M. Cavalcante, F. Gallego,  Forcing operator on star graph applied in the cubic fourth order Schrödinger equation, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B, 27(6), 2022.

[11] J. Angulo and M. Cavalcante, Linear instability of stationary solutions for the Korteweg-de Vries equation on a star graph, Nonlinearity 34 3373–3410, 2021.

[10] R. A. Capistrano-Filho and M. Cavalcante, Stabilization and control for the biharmonic Schrödinger equationAppl Math Optim, 84,  103--144 (2021) (article)

[9] R. A. Capistrano-Filho and M. Cavalcante, F. Gallego,  Lower regularity solutions of the biharmonic Schrödinger equation in a quarter plane,  Pacific Journal of Mathematics , Vol. 309, No. 1, 35–70 , 2020(article)

[8]  Cavalcante, M. ; Kwak, C.  The initial-boundary value problem for the Kawahara equation on the half-line, Nonlinear Differ. Equ. Appl.,  27 (45),   2020. (article)

[7] Cavalcante, M.; Corcho, A. J., Well-posedness and lower bounds of the growth of weighted norms for the Schrödinger–Korteweg–de Vries interactions on the half-line, J. Evol. Equ. 20, 1563–1596 ,(2020) 

[6] Cavalcante, M., Initial boundary value problems for some nonlinear dispersive models on the half-line: a review and open problems, São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Science, special sesction: Nonlinear dispersive equations , São Paulo J. Math. Sci. 13, 418–434 (2019).   

[5] Cavalcante, M. ; Muñoz C. . Stability of KdV solitons on the half-line. Revista Matemática Iberoamericana, 35 (6), 2019. (article)

[4]  Cavalcante, M. ; Kwak, C., Local well-posedness of the fifth-order KdV-type equations on the half-line, Communications in pure and applied analysis, 18 (5), 2019.  (article)

[3] Cavalcante, M.; Corcho, A. J.   The initial-boundary value problem for Schrödinger- Korteweg de Vries system on the half-line. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 21 (8), 2019 . (article)

[2] Cavalcante, M. The Korteweg -de Vries equation on a metric star graph, Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 69:124, 2018. (article)

[1] Cavalcante, M. The initial boundary value problem for some quadratic nonlinear Schrödinger equations on the half-line. Differential and Integral Equations, v. 30, p. 521-554, 2017. (article)