American Library Association Freedom to View Statement
The Maple Park Public Library subscribes to the American Library Association Freedom to View Statement which follows.
American Library Association Freedom to View Statement
The Freedom to View, along with the freedom to speak, to hear, and to
read, is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United
States. In a free society, there is no place for censorship of any medium of
expression. Therefore these principles are affirmed:
1. To provide the broadest access to film, video, and other audiovisual
materials because they are a means for the communication of ideas.
Liberty of circulation is essential to insure the constitutional guarantees of
freedom of expression.
2. To protect the confidentiality of all individuals and institutions using film,
video, and other audiovisual materials.
3. To provide film, video, and other audiovisual materials which represent a
diversity of views and expression. Selection of a work does not constitute
or imply agreement with or approval of the content.
4. To provide a diversity of viewpoints without the constraint of labeling or
prejudging film, video, or other audiovisual materials on the basis of the
moral, religious, or political beliefs of the producer or filmmaker or on
the basis of controversial content.
5. To contest vigorously, by all lawful means, every encroachment upon the
public's freedom to view.