
“Some years ago, following a motorcycling accident and developing neck pain and numbness in the left shoulder and arm, the doctors diagnosed cervical spondylosis. Visits to a hospital osteopath did not improve the condition but seemed to make it worse, and I was told that the pain could only be relieved by allowing a surgeon to pin the vertebrae of the neck together, which would restrict head movement.

Rather than take this option I contacted Mandy Bennett by telephone, described the problem, and asked if she could help. After three consultation/treatments, the first of which was carried out over the telephone, this long-standing problem has gone completely.

Having recently begun to experience severe lower-back pain, it was natural that I should again seek help from Mandy and, as a result of her treatment, the pain exists now only in the first ten minutes after getting up in the morning. I am confident that even this will disappear in time, as I am now able to move around freely.”

F.B – Retired Chemical Engineer

“I’ve had help from Mandy with my self development over the years, and can say I wouldn’t be where I am today without that help. I’ve been able to recognise and let go of emotions such as fear and guilt from my past and present, and other worries and negative emotions about the future. This has then enabled me to move forward, giving me freedom to enjoy a happier life.”

Miss B. L. Suffolk

“Chante is our (CF and EP’s) six year old unspayed Belgian shepherd bitch, with a rather vague history of varying owners. She arrived from the breeder with a very nervous disposition, occasionally snapping and growling when approached, panicking easily, and afraid of strangers. The dog was particularly afraid of CF. Chante was cleared of any physical disability by the vet. We were however, still unable to get her stable, so asked a dog whisperer for advice, and were told that our handling was at fault. Our previous Belgian shepherd dog was perfectly trained by us, and understood over forty commands, (so we were unable to credit our incompetence in dog handling). We did, however, follow a number of exercises suggested by the dog whisperer, but with no positive result;

After a year of only slight improvement we met and subsequently consulted Mandy Bennett. She carried out the following analysis and treatment. Two key issues were identified relating to ‘nervousness’ and ‘personality’ – the first was treated with a vibrational remedy applied externally, and the second by the use of a Naphthalinum homeopathic remedy – ingested over a period of 5 days.

The results were as follows:

Chante is now much more stable; she does not growl or snap at all, and allows CF to handle her without fear, even coming to her for affection. Although still somewhat nervous of machine noises and fireworks, she does not panic, and the mild nervousness is easily controlled by Findhorn flower remedy. She happily approaches visitors – no doubt hoping for biscuits!

There is a definite and identifiable improvement in Chante’s behaviour, which dates from Mandy Bennett’s treatment. She is quite obviously happier and not stressed at all, though there may be slight residual nervous damage which cannot be eradicated. This improvement is clearly seen by friends and relatives who have seen the dog at frequent intervals since we got her. There is no doubt that the improvement in behaviour and temperament is directly due the treatment she received.”

CF and EP; retired Architects, Somerset.

“I have attended several talks and workshops on ‘Health Dowsing’ that Mandy has given. Mandy presented the sessions in a clear and professional manner and I found them very useful and interesting. As a result, I am now able to dowse food and cosmetic products to check if they are suitable for me. It is obvious to me that she has received a very thorough training and has continued to research her field with enthusiasm since then.

Through dowsing, Mandy has also increased the positive energy in my home. She has also dowsed to identify my priority areas of health I need to attend to, as well as emotional / psychological areas and potentials for development. As well as this, she has given me valuable insight into issues I have with the aid of her psychic intuition. I recommend her to friends for help with health and emotional issues.”

J G – Complementary Therapist.