Original Music



This creative site allows the user to sing or play a melody and it automatically analyzes it and fits it into a song, complete with instrumental accompaniment. You don't have to be a trained musician to use the site successfully, but for the very beginner, they have a large selection of audio tracks that you can "re-jam" into a brand new song. Instructions are below:

  1. Navigate to UJAM: http://www.ujam.com
  2. Create your own account or click on Login at the top of the page
  3. In the Email box, type: bliedahl@pgcps.org
  4. Password: pgcpsarts
  5. Click the yellow Continue button at the bottom right side of the page
  6. Click Create
  7. Beginner's Option: Choose Rejam Song Template
    1. Choose a style you like and click Rejam
    2. Here you can change just about everything. Random clicking is a fun way to experiment.
  8. Intermediate/Advanced Option: Choose Record Vocals or Instrument
    1. Sing or play a melody and record it, add background music, change the voice to an instrument, etc.
  9. When you have completed your song, click Save and Share, and download as an mp3 file to use in your project



A powerful online music studio with recording, effects, virtual instruments, and over 600 free loops and sounds.

  1. Login/Create Account
  2. Launch the Studio (Orange Button)
  3. Navigate to Library --> Electronica --> 130
  4. Audition loops by double clicking on them.
  5. Drag tracks to a channel.
  6. Rewind to beginning of music, and press the play button (or space bar) to start and stop.
  7. Keep adding loops as desired.
  8. Apply automation (such as fade-in) if desired.
  9. To Save as .WAV file (Large File)
    1. Click File --> Export .wav file --> Save
  10. To Save as .mp3 file or embed into blog or website (Smaller File)
    1. Click File --> Publish Track
    2. Name the file --> Edit Track Info --> Change settings as desired
    3. Click the Orange Save Button --> Click the Blue Download Button --> Save
    4. Or, Click the Green View Button --> Embed Player, copy and paste code to embed in website or blog.

For more information, FAQs and video tutorials visit:


Freeplay Music


Here you can find music clips in a variety of styles that are free to use in student projects. Clips are already created in small segments, and you can search by length of clip, if you need to. It is a quick way to add audio to a project without violating copyright laws.


From their "Terms of Use" page:

2(d) Free Student Educational Use:

Subject to your full compliance with the terms of this paragraph 2 (d) and full execution of a FPM license, FPM grants free master recording and synchronization rights to students, to the FPM Production Music Library, excluding the FPM Indie Artist and Sound Effects Library, when FPM music is used by students within a school or class assignment. The assignment must be part of student curriculum, must only be viewed or heard within the classroom, campus, on a school’s closed circuit television and/or public announcement system and shall be free from any charge or admission fee. Free Student Educational Use excludes the use by any school in extra-curricular activities including, without limitation, the use in clubs and the use of any kind in performance, non-broadcast multimedia, DVD duplication, distribution and/or broadcast on a public or educational access TV, cable or radio channel, web, blog, and podcast.



Noteflight® is an online music writing application that lets you create, view, print and hear music notation with professional quality, right in your web browser. Work on a score from any computer on the Internet, share it with other users, and embed it in your own pages. Noteflight is free for individual use.

Liedahl's Example: http://www.noteflight.com/scores/view/24a8b6fd6b4b10255fe38f0426ecc53e08c06130

  1. Go to Noteflight: http://www.noteflight.com
  2. Login: bliedahl@pgcps.org Password: pgcps
  3. Click on New Score
  4. Begin creating, changing tempo, instruments, etc.
  5. Click on the Sharing tab and choose appropriate options
  6. Copy the embed code if you want to embed it in your blog, Google site, etc.
  7. Click on File -> Save
  8. To export as a WAV file to be used as a soundtrack, click on Export and choose WAV. Name the file with a .wav extension - example: MySong.wav

Some Additional Resources and Ideas: