
Scan this code to load this page into your browser.


Explore any of the sites below and choose an activity to complete.

Extra Credit

Connect a micro:bit or Chibi Chip to your computer and upload code.

Sample Student Scratch Activities

  • Created by Susan Brown to introduce teachers to Scratch in the way they could do the same for their students.
  • Click on this link: Getting Started with Scratch

Oh, the Places You Can Go.....

CS First

Scratch for Educators

Intro to CS (Microsoft MakeCode)

    • Intro to CS (Microsoft MakeCode) Utilizes the micro:bit
    • Recommended “unplugged” activities from this curriculum - micro:bit NOT required
      • Design Thinking, Algorithms, Variables, Conditionals, Iteration, Booleans, Binary, Radio, Arrays

MakeCode for Chibitronics

A Scratch Tutorial (Video)

Scratch: a free programming language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations. Launched in 2013,® is a non-profit dedicated to expanding access to computer science, and increasing participation by women and underrepresented students of color. Our vision is that every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science. We believe computer science should be part of core curriculum, alongside other courses such as biology, chemistry or algebra.

Directions will take you, as a teacher, through setting up your own dashboard and classrooms. The dashboard allows you to track each student's progress. It is a really good idea to work through the courses ahead of your students.

You can go to the popular Hour of Code, but there is oh, so much more for teachers and students. Many "unplugged" ways to teach coding, as well!