RAI's letter

Professor André Singer, a Royal Anthropological Institute elnökének levele Balog Zoltán miniszterhez. PDF

from the

Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland


Balog Zoltán, Miniszter, Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma

7 July 2015

Dear Minister

We have heard with dismay at the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland of your plans to stop the BA programme in anthropology in Hungary. At such an extraordinary time on global front when we are all looking for socially relevant solutions to problems of migration and religious intolerance this seems like very short-sighted policy. Both in the UK and Ireland and on the international front, anthropology is being seen as more important than ever in helping with understanding those issues that are confronting all governments and societies and it is hard to understand why at such a crucial time you would chose to undermine the scholars and teachers of the discipline in Hungary who contribute so much.

We would like to offer support to our colleagues in Hungary and would be happy to discuss and debate the issues with you and your department if that would keep the subject on your agenda.

Kindest regards,

Professor André Singer

President, Royal Anthropological Institute