Alexander Von Humboldt

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Bonn, Germany) supports scientific cooperation between researchers worldwide. It offers programs of fellowships and research awards for stays in Germany to achieve a personal science project with a partner. It is an organization of the Federal Republic of Germany for the education and culture to the international cultural dialogue and scientific exchange.

To be part of the Humboldt family, one personal account outstanding achievements. There are no quotas for individual countries or for academic disciplines.

Selection committees composed of scientists from all disciplines decide independently and solely on the scientific quality of applications. This is to support people, not projects. For even in a period marked by teamwork, the ability and commitment of the individual time are critical to scientific success.

The Humboldiants are either young postdoctoral at the beginning of their scientific career, or experienced and established scientists or scientists from the global forefront of their discipline. The Humboldt Foundation enables each appropriate to its location career support.