Unmarked Wilderness Shoot
Traditional and Compound Shooters

What a beautiful day for a shoot!  The 2023 Unmarked Wilderness Shoot took place Saturday, May 7th.  We had a beautiful crowd of adults and children and even some grandparents all willing to hike up to our new wilderness range and take their chances at hitting all of the 34 unmarked 3D animals that were hiding in the trees and bushes.  It was absolutely beautiful!  And everyone really enjoyed the warm sun, great food and of course, the very challenging animals targets hiding on the range! 

Shooting scores  and photos are posted below  as well as on our Photo Gallery page.  Additional photos will be added as they are available.  If you have photos and you are willing to share, please email them to 'mfarchers@gmail.com'.

Click her to view Unmarked Wilderness Shoot Photos

        Madera Field Archers Club Mission Statement

"To provide a welcoming place for all archers and their families to practice and promote 

the art and sport of archery regardless of their skills or challenges."