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2024 Bounty Hunt
Thanks to all our wonderful archery friends for joining us at our 2024 Bounty Hunt. The weather was perfect for a beautiful day of friends, family, food, fun and of course... archery. Archery scores listed below.
A special thank you to our wonderful photographer, Jeff Stacier.
Thank you Jeff for always being there for us!
Click the link below to view photos of our day.
Bounty Hunt photos
2023 Turkey Shoot
Thank you for the wonderful turnout at our 2023 Turkey Shoot! It was a beautiful day filled with our very special archery friends. The weather was perfect and the archery fun and friendships lasted all day! We raffled off three beautiful guns and lots of great prizes. Final archery scores were flighted, and winners went home with Turkeys, Vienna Sausage and Spam! Participants scores are listed below.
Click here to see photos.
2023 Unmarker Wilderness Shoot
What a beautiful day for a shoot! The Unmarked Wilderness Shoot took place Saturday, May 7th. We had a beautiful crowd of adults and children and even some grandparents all willing to hike up to our new wilderness range and take their chances at hitting all of the 34 unmarked 3D animals that were hiding in the trees and bushes. It was absolutely beautiful! And everyone really enjoyed the warm sun, great food and ,of course, the very challenging animals targets hiding on the range!
Shooting scores and photos are posted below as well as on our Photo Gallery page. Additional photos will be added as they are available. If you have photos and you are willing to share, please email them to 'mfarchers@gmail.com'.
Our 2023 Bounty Hunt had to be Cancelled...
What a disappointment... We were SO excited and looking SO forward to seeing all of our archery friends on Sunday at the Bounty Hunt. We had plowed the roads and all the trails, picked the weeds, and filled in streams left from all the rain. We had even put up a new permanent pergola over our vendor area near the practice butts. We had our 'Little Bounty Hunt' for our members on Saturday and the weather was perfect, warm with no wind or rain. We had prepared for months with loads of great food, raffle prizes, fun games and of course awards for adults and all the kids.
And then...
The rains came...and the winds blew... and the wind and the rain joined hands and pounced on our beautiful range! Saturday night the wind tossed the tables and chairs and tore down the covering over the registration area. The rain poured and poured and poured... and the wind blew and blew and blew even harder. At about 7am the decision to cancel the Bounty Hunt was unanimous, there was no way that anyone would enjoy the day and the road to the range was treacherous, with deep muddy holes and rivers of water. We were going to be lucky if all of us were able to get out without getting our own cars stuck in the mud.
So, just so you know, we really missed all of you... and you really missed the great day we had planned for you! We look forward to seeing you again, soon we hope!
Dear MFA members and friends... It is with great sadness and lots of tears that we share the news of losing a wonderful, big-hearted MFA member and great friend, Russ Spencer.
Rest in peace dear friend and keep those angels practicing their archery skills until we meet again.
Megan Bolderoff
Meet Megan, the 'Last WOMAN Standing!'
Megan Bolderoff managed to beat 13 grown men in a traditional shoot-off at the Hunters' Traditional Classic Shoot! Way to go Megan!!!
We are SO proud of you!
Look who we found at the 2022 Safari!
Look who else we found at the Safari!
Look who we found at the 2022 Horseshoe Bend Shoot!
ENCORE (donated three 2D Foam Turkeys)
IMPACT ARCHERY (donated 3D Turkey target)
HEARTLAND ARCHERY (donated two 3D Wood Chuck targets)
RON FOWLER (Custom Traditional Youth Bow)
SPORTSMAN'S WAREHOUSE (donated 3D Buck target)
TURNER OUTDOORSMEN (donated 3D Buck target)
WILDCRETE TARGETS (donated 3D Snail target)
In Loving Memory of
Don Lusk
There are some friends who bring a light
so great to the world that even after they have gone their light still shines!
Farewell dear archery friend...
Until we all meet again.
The 'Blue Crew' taking a break after rush hour!
Summertime in the mountains brings out squirrels, rabbits,
new-born deer, wild flowers and a 'gaggle' of traditional archers!
Woodlake Broken Arrow Shoot 2021
Look who we found at the Fresno Field Archers' 2020 Toys for Tots Shoot... Twenty members from Madera Field Archers' having a great time! And they were all wearing their new Madera Field Archer's t-shirts!
Fresno Field Archers 2019 Toys for Tots Shoot
SNOW on the RANGE in March 2019!!!
Madera Field Archers Club Mission Statement
"To provide a welcoming place for all archers and their families to practice and promote the art and sport of archery regardless of their skills or challenges."
"As long as the new moon shines in Heaven as a bent, beautiful bow,So will the fascination of Archery keep hold of the hearts of men..."
Will Thompson