MacReads Intentions

MacReaders celebrating 10 years of book club in January 2022.

1. This is a space primarily to discuss books. Everyone makes their best attempt at reading the book, and our discussion stays centered on the book.

2. At the same time, these discussions can and should connect to other things we've encountered, be that in our academic, professional, or personal lives. It's OK if talking about these connections brings us away from talking directly about the book for a time.

3. The conversation is shared between all members. We wait for one person to finish their thoughts before speaking, and apologize when we get excited and interrupt. We also try to remember that a pause isn't a bad thing in our conversation.

4. We keep our conversation and comments respectful. These conversations work best if we all remember not to take what is said too personally and allow for a safe space to exchange and test ideas. We disagree with each other without shaming others' ideas and perspectives.