
This is the online home of the MacReads Alumni Book Club -- a monthly book club for Macalester College alumni in the Twin Cities, Minnesota, established in January 2012. 

ANNOUNCEMENT: As we learn to live with COVID, we are focusing on in-person meetings in the Twin Cities area. If you live elsewhere and are inspired to start your own book club chapter, we hope you'll find this guide put together by Macalester and the MacReads team useful.

In June 2024, MacReaders discussed The Wedding Crasher by Mia Sosa.

In June 2022, MacReaders discussed The Lager Queen of Minnesota by J. Ryan Stradal.

Official Details of our next gathering: 

 When: 7:00 - 9:00 pm Tuesday, July 23

 Where: Stuart's house

 Host: Stuart Chmielewski '06

 Read: Just Do This One Thing for Me (Laura Zimmermann)

Eat: Food your mom would want

 Please RSVP on the page to your left.

*To respect the privacy of Mac alumni, access to this information requires login.  Contact us for access for your login, if you do not already have it.