The Meetings

We meet the fourth Tuesday of every month.  Our gatherings start at 7:00pm with socializing and snacking on the potluck items, and the discussion of the book begins around 7:30pm.  We typically finish by 9:00 or 9:30 pm. 

Each meeting is hosted by an alumnus (typically in their homes).  The host is responsible for providing the space, picking the book, declaring the food theme, and researching a bit about the background of the book to help inform our discussion (Help on all four points is available from your fellow Mac alumni).

 You can see details on our upcoming meetings below.  If you'd like to host, please claim your date below -- if no one's name is on it already, it's up for grabs! (To add your name, click on the link below the spreadsheet to open it in Google Drive)

November 2013 meeting

November 2013.

MacReads Alumni Book Club Meetings