Growing Seed Savers in Museums

The project Growing Seed Savers in Museums will improve and spread knowledge of agrobiodiversity and how it is important to future sustainable agriculture and food systems. We will do so by raising awareness of local heritage plants: How they can be conserved, grown and used by more people? Furthermore we will enhance skills of e.g. seed-saving and plant propagation. This will be done through collaboration between the network of seed-savers’ organizations in Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia, that was successfully established in the project (NPAD-2018/10122), and open air museums. The project will educatare museum workers on seed saving, arrange webinars, develope materials on managing museum gardens and plant propagation. 

Project results / projekti tulemused

Project duration: 1.5.2021-30.4.2022
Budget: 44.745€
Financer: Nordic Council of Ministeries

Project participants

Work packages
