27.1.2014 kell 16.00

Post date: Jan 24, 2014 3:49:19 PM


Esmaspäeval 27.1 kell 15.00 (Brüsseli aeg) kell 16 meie juures saab jälgida otseistung kus atutatakse EU seemne määrus.

Euroopa parlamendi Põllumajandus ja maaelu arengu komisjonis on 45 alalist liikmed ja sama palju asendusliikmed. Eile (27.1) olid kohal ainult umbes 15. Ülejäänud tegeles oma valimiskampaanjatega (nii teatas mitmed kohalolijad)

Eile tõsteti esile järgmine küsimus / The following questions were raised:

Why have the Plant Reproductive Material (PRM) law been changed from being a directive to become a regulation? (in a directive it is more free for each country to decide themselves how to manage PRM but in a regulation it is more fixed what can be done)

(Michelson: Answer given by a man whose name I did not get)

The new plant reproductive material suggestion consists of 12 old directives that have been adopted over a 45 year period on different time, everything has changes since that. All those directives were very different from each other.

These issues (Michelson: PRM related issues) varied so much from countries to countries that it hindered trade. They (Michelson: large seed trade companies?) come to us and said that this hindered them in making trade. There were also regions that had not any rules on this (Michelson: PRM) at all.

Origin of forest seeds - oak in Germany is not the same as oak in Spain. That is why forest is together with non-forest reproductive materials.