White Lake Township
This page contains updates from White Lake Township for events that may affect Lakewood Village. The most recent reports are first.
Here are Steve Woodard's notes from the Parks & Recreation Committee meeting yesterday 12/14/22. Minutes for the meeting will be in the package for the January 11th meeting.
Brian Barrick from Beckett & Raeder provided a status update. The key points were as follows:
Progress is being made with DNR and the National Park Service (NPS), currently waiting for the end of the fiscal year for NPS. The grant is ready, and money should be available soon.
The central area of the plan (close to the existing structure) needs to be refined to save approximately 15 mature trees.
This can be done by staying closer to the existing road path down to the lower part of the park.
The pickleball courts, which were proposed in the central area, will need to be reconsidered for another phase or location due to moving the road plan and the wet land in the central area.
Beckett & Raeder will relook at the tree removal plan and finalize that soon so tree work can be done through winter.
Plans for phase 1 construction will be to the Township Board by Jan 6th for their review and approval at the next WLT Board meeting on Jan 17th.
Currently, the cost estimate is $1,350,000 for phase 1 with cost saving ideas included.
Next steps
Construction and bid documents
Get necessary permits and approvals
Begin construction
Justin Quagliata from WLT Planning Department
The Township is applying for a $300,000 Spark Grant to renovate the existing structure in the park.
The structure is proposed to be a bathroom, picnic shelter, storage facility.
Thank you,
Steve Woodard, LVIA