Tip: click on the 3 bar icon next to the Lakewood Village sign to see more pages.

Welcome to our beautiful multi-lake neighborhood!   

Lakewood Village contains more than 400 families.  We have many annual events, places to host activities, and choices for recreation.  We look forward to you becoming an active member of the Village.  

On this site, you will find information on the latest Announcements, Events and Calendar, a list of Committees to maintain and improve Lakewood Village, who is on the Board, past records of Board Meetings, and Photos of many great events held in Lakewood Village.

In addition, this site contains important information regarding our bylawsdeed restrictions, and subdivision guidelines and regulations, all of which are a part of the Lakewood Village Improvement Association (LVIA).

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of the Board Members... we will be happy to assist you.  


The Board of Directors

Lakewood Village Improvement Association 

Monthly Member Meeting

Meets on the second Monday of each month at 7pmWe encourage you to attend.  Please contact Marv Miller for meeting details.

Review the slides of previous Lakewood Village Annual Meetings.  

Click on the file name below.

Please remember to check our many sponsors on the Links page.

And a big thanks to Doug Brown of Farm Bureau Insurance, who has been a sponsor with LVIA for many years.  Farm Bureau has insurance made for lakefront homeowners, covers your toys, your lifestyle and your risks, too.  Reach Doug at 248-486-1831.