Research Publications

1. Organization, inequality and productivity in a knowledge economy

My main area of research starting from studies how economic organziation deals with individuals with limited ability to acquire knowledge.  My JPE (2000) paper develops the main framework, which shows how a pure information problem --solving problems -- can be transformed into an organizational problem and generates a pretty reocnogizable feature: management by excepcion, where those above complement the knowledge of those below on the problems they cannot dal with. I develop line of work, my main conribution, in work with Esteban Rossi-Hansberg and Pol Antràs, with Thomas Hubbard (all the empirical work on lawyers), with Jacques Cremer and Andrea Prat and with Willie Fuchs and Luis Rayo. Very closely related work theoretical and empirical also with Tano Santos, Wouter Dessein, and empirical with Benito Arruñada, Luis Vázquez and Steven Kaplan. Two of the papers below (the ones with Palacios-Huerta) don't have cognitive costs but they do have an organizational/incentive problem--in soccer! 

Hierarchies and the Organization of Knowledge in Production 

Luis Garicano 

Journal of Political Economy vol 108: 5, October 2000

Contractual Allocation of Decision Rights and Incentives: The Case of Automobile Distribution 

Benito Arruñada, Luis Garicano and Luis Vázquez 

Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 17: 257-284, April 2001

The Effect of Business-to-Business E-commerce on Transactions Costs 

Luis Garicano and Steven N. Kaplan 

Journal of Industrial Economics, v. XLIX, no. 4: 463-487, 2001. 

Business-to-Business E-commerce: Value Creation, Value Capture and Valuation 

Luis Garicano and Steven N. Kaplan 

Advances in Applied Microeconomics, Vol. 11: Elsevier, 2002.

Firms' Boundaries and the Division of Labor: Empirical Strategies 

Luis Garicano and Thomas N. Hubbard 

Journal of the European Economic Association (Papers and Proceedings), vol 1: 2, April-May 2003.

Inequality and the Organization of Knowledge 

Luis Garicano and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg 

American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 94:2, pp. 197-202, May 2004. 


Luis Garicano and Tano Santos 

American Economic Review, 94: 3, pp. 499 - 525, June 2004. 

Favoritism under Social Pressure 

Luis Garicano, Natxo Palacios and Canice Prendergast. 

Review of Economics and Statistics, 87: 2, pp. 208-216, May 2005. 

Hierarchical Sorting and Learning Costs 

Luis Garicano and Thomas N. Hubbard 

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 58:2, pp. 349-369, August 2005.

Intelligence Failures: An Organizational Economics Perspective 

Luis Garicano and Richard Posner 

Journal of Economic Perspectives, 19:4, pp. 151-179, Fall 2005 

Offshoring in a Knowledge Economy 

Pol Antras, Luis Garicano and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg 

Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 2006. 

The Knowledge Economy at the turn of the Twentieth Century: the Emergence of Hierarchies 

Luis Garicano and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg 

Journal of the European Economic Association (Papers and Proceedings), vol 4, April-May 2006. 

Organization and Inequality in a Knowledge Economy 

Luis Garicano and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg

Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 2006.

Managerial Leverage is Limited by the Extent of the Market: Hierarchies, Specialization and the Utilization of Lawyers’ Human Capital 

Luis Garicano and Thomas N. Hubbard 

Journal of Law and Economics, 2007, 50(1), pp. 1 - 43. 

Language and the Theory of the Firm 

Jacques Crémer, Luis Garicano and Andrea Prat

 February 2007, Quarterly Journal of Economics

Organizing Offshoring: Middle Managers and Communication Costs 

Pol Antras, Luis Garicano and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg In Helpman, E., Marin D., Verdier T. (2008) (Eds), 

The Organization of Firms in the Global Economy, Harvard University Press. 

Specialization, Firms and Markets: The division of labor within and between law firms 

Luis Garicano and Thomas N. Hubbard 

Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, October 2009.

Information Technology, Organization, and Productivity in the Public Sector: Evidence from Police Departments 

Luis Garicano and Paul Heaton 

Journal of Labor Economics, January 2010

Offshoring and Wage Inequality: Using Occupational Licensing as a Shifter of Offshoring Costs 

Chiara Criscuolo and Luis Garicano 

American Economic Review, Papers and Proceeding, May 2010

Matching Problems with Expertise in Firms and Markets 

William Fuchs and Luis Garicano 

Journal of the European Economic Association, March 2010 

Organizing for Synergies 

Wouter Dessein, Luis Garicano and Robert Gertner 

American Economic Journal-Micro, November 2010, 2(4): 77–114a 

Learning about the nature of production from equilibrium assignment patterns  (WP version)

 Luis Garicano and Thomas N. Hubbard

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 84, Issue 1, September 2012, Pages 136–153.

Knowledge Organization and Communication 

Luis Garicano and Yanhui Wu 

Organization Science, September-October 2012. 

Organizing Growth 

Luis Garicano and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg 

Journal of Economic Theory 2012, 147:2, 626- 656 

Organizational Economic with Cognitive Costs (2011 WP version) 

Luis Garicano and Andrea Prat 

Advances in Economic Theory, Econometric Society 10th World Congress, D. Acemoglu, M. Arellano, E. Dekkel, Cambridge University Press, June 2013 

Hierarchies and the Division of Labor (WP version, pre extensive copy editing) 

Luis Garicano and Tim Van Zandt 

Handbook of Organizational Economics, Robert Gibbons and John Roberts, Editors, Princeton University Press, 2013 

Sabotage in Tournaments: Making the Beautiful Game a bit Less Beautiful (WP Version)

Luis Garicano and Ignacio Palacios-Huerta

In: Ignacio Palacios-Huerta, "Beautiful Game Theory How Soccer Can Help Economics", Princeton University Press, 2014.

The Distinct Effects of Information Technology and Communication Technology on Firm Organization

Nick Bloom, Luis Garicano, Raffaella Sadun and John Van Reenen

Management Science 2014, 60(12): 2859-2885, December 2014

Knowledge-Based Hierarchies: Using Organizations to Understand the Economy (Note: this is a review of my main line of work with Esteban Rossi-Hansberg and other coauthors written for a general audience)

Luis Garicano and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg

Annual Review of Economics Vol 7, 1-30, 2015.

Optimal Contracting and the Organization of Knowledge

Willie Fuchs, Luis Garicano and Luis Rayo

Review of Economic Studies, 82 (2), 632 - 658, Spring 2015.

Why Organizations Fail: Models and Cases  (Note: this survey paper reviews the literature on Organiational Economics and applies it to understand some recent, large scale, business failure cases)

Luis Garicano and Luis Rayo

Journal of Economic Literature 54(1), 137–192, March 2016.

The Returns to Knowledge Hierarchies

Luis Garicano and Tom Hubbard

Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, Vol 32(4): 653-684, November 2016

Firm Size Distortions and the Productivity Distribution: Evidence from France

Luis Garicano, Claire Lelarge and John van Reenen

American Economic Review 106(11): 3439-79, November 2016. 

Relational Knowledge Transfers

Luis Garicano and Luis Rayo

American Economic Review 107 (9):2695-2730, September 2017.

Earnings inequality and coordination costs: Evidence from US Law firms 

Luis Garicano and Thomas Hubbard 

Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 34 (2): 196-229, May 2018.

2. On European monetary, fiscal and financial policy

Since the financial crisis, I have written and thought a lot about European integration- what worked, what did not. This was never my main area of research, but it was, almost always, one of my two main areas of policy writing (the other being Spain). You can see those parts in  the OpEds tab and in the Policy Proposals tab. As for research, you can find here papers on the governance of the Spanish Cajas, before their failure, anticipating what did happen; on the Political Economy of the pre-Eurozone credit cycle; on a solution to create European safe assets through securitization of Sovereign debt; on how to identify the impact of the sovereign crisis related credit constraints on the composition of investments and on the economic consequences of the war in Ukraine. Finally, next Spring a lot of  this work will culminate in a forthcoming Princeton University Press book with John Cochrane and Klaus Masuch on how the successful responses by the ECB to successive crises have led it to a position where it provides terrible incentives to governments, financial actors and European institutions. 

Did Good Cajas Extend Bad Loans? Governance, Human Capital and Loan Portfolios 

Vicente Cuñat, and Luis Garicano 

FEDEA Monograph, "The Crisis of the Spanish Economy, 2009.

Towards a New Architecture for Financial Supervision: Seven Principles 

Luis Garicano and Rosa Lastra 

Journal of International Economic Law, vol 13:3, pp 597-621. 

Political Credit Cycles: the Case of the Eurozone (WP version)) 

Jesús Fernández Villaverde, Luis Garicano and Tano Santos 

Journal of Economc Perspectives, 27(3): 145-66. Summer 2013.

The Sovereign-Bank Diabolic Loop and ESBies

Markus K. Brunnermeier, Luis Garicano, Stijn Van Nieuwerberg, Philip Lane, Marco Pagano, Tano Santos, Ricardo Reis, David Thesmar and Dimitri Vayanos

American Economic Review P&P, 508-512, May 2016.

Survive Another Day: Using the Composition of Investments to Measure the Impact of Credit Constraints

Luis Garicano and Claudia Steinwender

The Review of Economics and Statistics, 98(5): 913-924, December 2016.

Global Economic Consequences of the War in Ukraine: Sanctions, Supply Chains and Sustainability

Garicano, L, D Rohner and B Weder di Mauro (eds) (2022),

CEPR Press, Paris & London.

Crisis Cycle: Evolution, Challenges, and Future of the Euro

John Cochrane, Luis Garicano and Klaus Masuch

Princeton University Press (Forthcoming book, 2025)