5. Policy Proposals

How an international agreement on methane emissions can pave the way for enhanced global cooperation on climate change

with Kimberley Clausing and Catherine Wolfram 

PIIE  Policy Brief, 23-7, july 2023.

Combining environmental and fiscal sustainability: A new climate facility, an expenditure rule, and an independent fiscal agency

Lead column on the VoxEU debate on EU economic policy and architecture after Covid.

Luis Garicano / 14 Jan 2022

“Why do we need a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism? Towards the development of a Climate Club”,

with María Fayos, October 2021,

in No Brainers and Low-Hanging Fruit in National Climate Policy, Francesco Caselli, Alexander Ludwig, Rick van der Ploeg, CEPR, October 08, 2021.

Towards a feasible Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism”

Luis Garicano

Paper presenting the European Parliament’s Proposal – 2020/2043 (INI): “Towards a WTO-compatible EU carbon border adjustment mechanism”.

“Two Proposals to resurrect the Banking Union: the Safe Portfolio Approach and the SRB+”,

Luis Garicano

CEPR Policy Insight N. 108, November 2020


Brunnermeier, M.K., Garicano, L., Lane, P.R., Pagano, M., Reis, R., Santos, T., Thesmar, D., Van Nieuwerburgh, S. and Vayanos, D., 2016. The sovereign-bank diabolic loop and ESBies. American Economic Review, 106(5), pp.508-512. 

A proposal for a new type of safe bond in Europe that allows to eliminate flight to safety without involving joint liability.