This is a partial list of publications which Luis Fierro has written, edited, translated or contributed to.
Opinion columns published in Diario El Universo
Articles published in Revista Gestión
La estrategia de negociación sobre el paquete de financiamiento climático en el Acuerdo de Paris de Cambio Climático de AILAC, chapter in the book Negociación Internacional en América Latina, edited by Dennis P. Petri. San José, Costa Rica : FLACSO, 2022
Economic Relations between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean, Policy brief I wrote for the EU-LAC Foundation / Fundación EU-LAC and Institut des Amériques.
The Last Human, a science fiction novel on the perils of climate change, artificial intelligence, terrorism and nuclear proliferation.
Fortalecimiento de los grupos económicos en el Ecuador en la última década, Revista Economía, 71 (114), 35-71. Quito, Ecuador.
Co-editor, ¿Cómo generar empleabilidad para la juventud? Experiencias innovadoras de alternancia formativa en América Latina, el Caribe y la Unión Europea. April 2019, EUROSOCIAL+ and EU-LAC Foundation, Rome, Italy.
Contributor and co-editor, Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en la Unión Europea, América Latina y el Caribe. February 2019, EU-LAC Foundation, Hamburg, Germany.
Contributor and editor, Clusters and Cluster Policy: Opportunities for collaboration between the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean, October 2018, EU-LAC Foundation, Hamburg, Germany.
Contributor and co-editor, Case studies on Circular Economy models and integration of Sustainable Development Goals in business strategies in the EU and LAC. October 2018, EU-LAC Foundation, Hamburg, Germany.
Co-editor, Strengthening EU-LAC Cooperation: Sharing Experiences for Present and Future Developments. October 2018, IFAIR. Hamburg, Germany.
Co-editor, Financing the transition to renewable energy in the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean. August 2018, EU-LAC Foundation, Hamburg, Germany.
Editor, Latin American SMEs and training programmes for their internationalisation. August 2018, EU-LAC Foundation, Hamburg, Germany.
Co-author, Contribution of cluster strategies and inter-cluster cooperation for the competitive progress of the EU and LAC, Paper presented to the 2018 LASA Congress, Barcelona, May 2018.
Promover el Desarrollo Sostenible, Bajo en Emisiones y con Mayor Resiliencia al Cambio Climático. April 2017, Grupo FARO, Quito, Ecuador.
Editor, The Internationalisation of Latin American SMEs and their Projection in Europe. April 2017, EU-LAC Foundation, Hamburg, Germany.
Co-author and Editor. Vademecum on EU- Cooperation Programmes with Latin America and the Caribbean. February 2017, EU-LAC Foundation, Hamburg, Germany.
Los Grupos Financieros en el Ecuador – 25 Años Después. Paper presented to a UASB seminar on Financial Groups, September 2016, Quito, Ecuador. Published in Revista PUCE No. 108.
Why Paris won't be Copenhagen: Role of the INDCs in progress towards the Paris Agreement. Blog article, August 2015 (a version was published in Revista Gestión, Ecuador).
How are Oil Exporters Facing the Falling Price of Oil. Blog article, February 2015 (a version also published in Revista Gestión, Ecuador).
Co-author, Innovative instruments for climate finance. Blog article, January 2015. Also published on the AILAC web site.
Gearing up for COP20 in Lima: Progress in Climate Finance. Blog article, October 2014 (a version also published in Revista Gestión, Ecuador).
Climate change starts to take its toll. Translation of article published in Revista Gestión, February 2014.
Guide on Obtaining Resources from the European Union to co-finance IDB Operations, Washington, D.C., IDB, December 2012.
Editor and co-author, Activity Report of the IDB Office in Europe (annual reports from 2008 through the First Semester of 2012). Paris, IDB, 2008-2012.
Contributor, International Finance Institutions and Development Through the Private Sector (A joint report of 31 multilateral and bilateral development finance institutions). Washington D.C., IFC, 2011.
Contributor, The Imperative of Innovation: Creating Prosperity in Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington, D.C., IDB, May 2010.
Contributor, Latin America and the Diplomacy of Summits. Madrid, SEGIB, November 2009.
Contributor, Sustainable Development: Environment, Climate Change and Energy. Opportunities for Dialogue and Cooperation between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington, D.C., IDB, May 2008.
Constitutional Transformation and Reorganization of the Economic System, Chapter in Full Powers and Constitutional Transformation. Quito, Abya-Yala, February 2008.
Co-author, Quest Program Evaluation Design. Fairfax, VA: Fairfax County Public Schools, September 2007.
Co-author, Parent Advocacy Handbook. Fairfax, VA: Minority Student Achievement Oversight Committee (MSAOC), Fairfax County School Board, Spring 2007.
Contributor, The Millennium Development Goals in Latin America and the Caribbean: Progress, Priorities and IDB Support for their Implementation. Washington, D.C., IDB, August 2005.
Co-author, New lending framework. Evaluation report and recommendations. Washington, D.C., IDB, April 2005.
Co-author, Sustainable Development: Mission, Actions and Challenges, Washington, D.C., IDB, March 2005.
Co-author, 11th Report Card on Minority Student Achievement. Fairfax, VA: Minority Student Achievement Oversight Committee (MSAOC), Fairfax County School Board, February 2005. (also contributed to other Reports).
Contributor, Medium term action plan for development effectiveness at the IDB (MTAP). Washington, D.C., IDB, September 2004.
Co-author, Toward Sustainable and Equitable Development: Sector Strategies for Latin America and the Caribbean. An Overview. Washington, D.C., IDB, March 2004.
Co-author, Toward Sustainable and Equitable Development: Sector Strategies for Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington, D.C., IDB, February 2004.
Contributor (member of Working Group), IDB Policy on Ex-post Evaluation of Operations. Washington D.C., IDB, September 2003.
Co-author, Competitiveness Strategy. Washington, D.C., IDB, July 2003.
Contributor, Sustainable Economic Growth Strategy. IDB, July 2003.
Contributor, Poverty Reduction and Promotion of Social Equity Strategy. Washington, D.C., IDB, July 2003.
Contributor, Social Development Strategy. Washington, D.C., IDB, July 2003.
Contributor, Modernization of the State Strategy. IDB, July 2003.
Contributor, Environment Strategy. Washington, D.C., IDB, July 2003.
Co-author, Integrated Strategy Implementation Plan, IDB, July 2003.
Co-author, Summit of the Americas: Strategic Programs. The Agenda of the IDB. IDB, April 2001.
Guide to IDB Project and Program Information. Washington D.C., IDB/SDS, July 1998 and February 2000
Contributor, The Inter-American Development Bank and Poverty Reduction: An Overview, Washington D.C.: IDB, May 1998.
Co-author, The Path out of Poverty: The Inter-American Development Bank's Approach to Reducing Poverty. Washington D.C.: IDB, April 1998.
Ecuador, 21st Century. A proposal for economic and social development. Growth and Macroeconomic Policies. Environment (study on environmental policies for Ecuador). Quito, Ecuador: Multiplica Consulting Firm – Fundación Ecuador, December 1995.
A Computable General Equilibrium Model of Trade Liberalization in Ecuador, University of Texas at Austin, December 1995.
A Panel Data Econometric Estimation of the Effects of Corporate Income Tax on Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America, Seminar on Public Finance, University of Texas at Austin, May 1995.
A Non-Linear Model of Optimal Endogenous Growth with Investment in Human and Physical Capital, University of Texas at Austin, May 1995.
"Poverty in Ecuador: What does the World Bank say", in Gestión, Economía y Sociedad, No. 14, August 1995.
“The Importance of Social Aspects in Economic Analysis”, in Gestión, Economía y Sociedad, No. 10, April 1995.
The Migration of Polluting Industries and Competition among Jurisdictions for Environmental Regulation, Working Paper No. 7. Quito, Ecuador: Multiplica Consulting Firm, 1994.
Comparative Valuation of Renewable Amenity Resources and Exhaustible Oil Resources: The Case of National Parks in the Ecuadorian Rainforest. Working Paper No. 4. Quito, Ecuador: Multiplica Consulting Firm, 1994.
Translator, Héctor Aguilar and Lorenzo Meyer, In the Shadow of the Mexican Revolution: Contemporary Mexican History, 1910-1989. Austin, UT Press, 1993.
The Latin American Debt Overhang: Determination of the Secondary Market Price and Options for Debt Relief, M.A. Thesis, University of Oregon, March 1992.
Editor and Co-author, Economic Reactivation with Full Employment. Quito: Latin American Social Research Institute, 1989.
Financial Groups in Ecuador. Quito, CEDEP, 1989.
Co-author, The challenges of the external debt of the energy sector: an integrationist response for Latin America and the Caribbean. Quito: Latin American Energy Organization, 1988.
Editor, Rural Development Policies in Ecuador: Rural Poverty. Quito: Latin American Social Research Institute/FIDA, 1987.
Co-author, External Debt and the Energy Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean. Quito: Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE), 1987.
Co-author, Ecuador, economic policy - theory and reality. Oil and crisis. Guayaquil: Frente Democrático de Economistas, 1986.
Co-author, The Ecuadorian Economic Crisis: Elements for its Interpretation. Quito: Corporación Editora Nacional, 1986.