Monetary and fiscal complementarity in the Covid-19 pandemic Also published in the CEPR Covid Economics
Micro level data for macro models: the distributional effects of monetary policy
Modelling and Estimating Large Macroeconomic Shocks During the Pandemic
The Role of Macroprudential Policy in Times of Trouble
Financial cycles, credit bubbles and stabilization policies
Corruption Bias and Information: A Study in the Lab,
The Macroeconomic Effects of Aerospace Shocks
Pro-environmental attitudes, local environmental conditions and recycling behavior
Bank reserves and broad money in the global financial crisis: a quantitative evaluation
Ambiguous economic news and heterogeneity: What explains asymmetric consumption responses?
Robust Tests for Convergence Clubs
Estimating Models with Dynamic Network Interactions and Unobserved Heterogeneity
Are Perceptions of Corruption Matching Reality? Theory and Evidence from Microdata
The W Matrix in Network and Spatial Econometrics: Issues Relating to Specification and Estimation