Persistent Excitation Toolkit
Persistent Excitation
Linear RE Solver
In order to run , you need to install in the same directory as these files the following codes:
This webpage reproduces the Persistent Excitation Algorithm, which was developed at the University of Cambridge by Aqib Aslam, Luisa Corrado and Sean Holly (2006). The results are Preliminary but are published on this website. The original article detailing the methodology can be found here
This work follows on from an existing paper by Corrado and Holly (2006), published in Computational Economics, and can be downloaded here.
N.B. Please do not circulate or reproduce this material without proper citation of the authors.
The codes posted on this webpage use the Persistent Excitation (PEX) Algorithm to solve the Stochastic Brock-Mirman model.
The relevant files are: Click here for an explanation of how these files work (requires Acrobat Reader).