New Metrics for Governance in the Era of Earth Observation Data: Monitoring Violations after Wildfires (with Corrado, G., Del Frate, F., De Santis, D. and Marazzi, F.), 2024
PNAS Nexus, 3(11) .
The Macroeconomic Spillovers from Space Activity (with Grassi, S, Silgado-Gomez, E. and Paolillo, A.), 2023
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 120(43).
Space Exploration and Economic Growth: New Issues and Horizons (with M. Cropper and A. Rao), 2023
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 120(43).
Spatial Macroeconomics (Guest Editor of Special Issue with Bond-Smith, S. Felsenstein, D., and Elhorst, P.), 2024
Spatial Economic Analysis, 19(3), 273–286.
Are Governments Matching Citizens' Demand for Better Lives? (with G. De Michele), 2023
American Review of Political Economy, 18(1), DOI: 10.38024/arpe.273.
Are Perceptions of Corruption Matching Experience? Evidence from Microdata (with G. Corrado, G. De Michele and F. Salustri), 2022
The British Journal of Criminology
Pro-environmental Attitudes, Local Environmental Conditions and Recycling Behavior (with A. Fazio and A. Pelloni), 2022
Journal of Cleaner Production 362 (15).
The Regional Heterogeneity of Wellbeing 'Expenditure' Preferences: Evidence from a Simulated Allocation Choice on the BES Indicators (with L. Becchetti and M. Fiaschetti) 2017
Journal of Economic Geography, 17(4), 857–891
Assessing the Effects of Fiscal Policy News under Imperfect Information (with E. Silgado-Gomez), 2022
Oxford Economic Papers
Journal of Macroeconomics , 72.
Body Mass Index and Social Interactions from Adolescence to Adulthood (with M. Joxhe and R. Distante) 2019
Spatial Economic Analysis 14(4), 425-445
Anatomy of Creditless Recoveries (with I. Rossi) 2019
Journal of Macroeconomics, 62, 103-152
Journal of Well-Being Assessment, 4, 57–73
Interbank Market Failure and Macroprudential Policies (with T. Schuler) 2017
Journal of Financial Stability, 33, 133-149
Sociability, Altruism and Wellbeing (with L. Becchetti and P. Conzo) 2017
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 41(2), 441–486
Inclusive Finance for Inclusive Growth and Development (with G. Corrado) 2017
The Geography of Financial Inclusion across Europe during the Crisis (with G. Corrado) 2015
Journal of Economic Geography, 15(5), 1055-1083
A Note on Money and the Conduct of Monetary Policy (with J. Chadha and S. Holly) 2014
Macroeconomic Dynamics , 18(08), 1854-1883
The Geography of Well-Being (with A. Aslam) 2012
Journal of Economic Geography, 12(3), pp. 627-649, DOI: 10.1093/jeg/lbr041. Supplementary Material (Previously titled "No Man is an Island: The Inter-personal Determinants of Regional Well-Being in Europe")
Multiplicative Habit Formation and Consumption: A Note (with S. Holly) 2011
On the Individual and Social Determinants of Neighborhood Satisfaction and Attachment (with G. Corrado and E. Santoro) 2013
Regional Studies, 2013, 47(4), pp. 544-562.
Where is the Economics in Spatial Econometrics? (with B. Fingleton) 2012
Journal of Regional Science, 52(2), pp. 210-239. PDF Table5 Appendix Top 1% most cited paper in he field
"Money, Prices and Liquidity Effects: Separating Demand from Supply" (with J. Chadha and Q. Sun) 2010
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 34(9), pp. 1732-1747, PDF
Macro-prudential policy on liquidity: what does a DSGE model tell us? (with J. Chadha), 2012
Journal of Economics and Business, Volume 64, Issue 1, pp. 37–62.
Beyond the Joneses: inter-country income comparisons and happiness (with L. Becchetti, S. Castriota and E. Ricca) 2013
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 45, pp. 187–195. PDF
Cambridge Journal of Regions Economy and Society, 4(1), pp. 3-11. PDF
The Heterogeneous Effects of Income Changes on Life Satisfaction (with L. Becchetti and F. Rossetti) 2011
Social Indicators Research, 104(3). PDF
Long-Term Growth and Short-Term Volatility: The Labour Market Nexus (with B. Annicchiarico and A. Pelloni) 2011
The Manchester School, 79 Issue Supplement s1, pp. 646–672. PDF
Is the Grass Always Greener on the Other Side? Assessing the Determinants of Individual Well-Being (with A. Aslam and E. Santoro) 2008
JSM Proceedings, Section on Survey Research Methods. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.
Bulls, Bears and Excess Volatility: can currency intervention help? (with M. Miller and L. Zhang) 2007
International Journal of Finance and Economics, 12(2), pp. 261-272.
The Identification of regional Convergence Clusters: Asymptotic versus Bootstrap Inference (with M. Weeks) 2006
Proceedings of the American Statistical Association 2006.
Computational Economics, 28(2), pp. 139-153.
Identifying and Interpreting Regional Convergence Clusters across Europe (with R. Martin and M. Weeks) 2005
The Economic Journal, 115.
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 28.
Beyond the Sovereign Debt Crisis: Alternative Forms of Market Based Debt Restructuring Schemes -Winner of the Cairncross Prize 2000- 2003
Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 50(1).
Nonlinearities and Inactivity in Aggregate Investment: Some Theoretical Analysis and Time Series Evidence (with S. Holly and P. Turner) 2002
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 5(4).
A Currency Crisis Model with Misaligned Central Parity: A Stochastic Analysis (with S. Holly) 2000
Economics Letters, 67(1), pp. 61-68.
Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, SIE - Societa' Italiana degli Economisti, 2(3), pp. 239-254.
The Welfare States in a United Europe (with F.S. Mennini and G. Trovato) 2003
European Political Economy Review, 1 (1) pp. 40-55.
Other Publications
Review “Generalised Latent Variable Modelling: Multilevel, Longitudinal and Structural Equation Models. A. Skrondal and S. Rabe-Hesketh” 2005
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 100(470): 710-711. doi:10.1198/jasa.2005.s25.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, 175(2).
Working Papers
"Bulls, Bears and Excess Volatility: can currency intervention help?" (with M. H. Miller and L. Zhang), CEIS Working Paper No. 92, University of Rome Tor Vergata and Cambridge Working Papers in Economics CWPE0708.
"Exchange Rate Monitoring Bands: Theory and Policy" (with M.H. Miller and L. Zhang), 2002, CEPR Discussion Paper 3337 and Department Applied Economics DAE Working Paper, DAE/WP209.
“Identifying and Interpreting Convergence Clusters across Europe” (with Martin R. and M. Weeks), 2004, Cambridge Working Papers in Economics, CWPE0414.
"Piecewise Linear Feedback Rules in a Non Linear Model of the Phillips Curve: Evidence from the US and UK" (with S. Holly), University of Cambridge , Department Applied Economics DAE Working Paper, DAE/WP 0019.
Current Research
Income, Wellbeing and Finance
"Is perceived corruption matching reality? Explaining the gap" (with G. Corrado, G De Michele and F. Salustri).
"Identification Strategies in Survey Response Using Vignettes" (with M. Weeks). Cambridge Working Papers in Economics, CWPE1031.
"Easterlin-types and Frustrated Achievers: the Heterogeneous Effects of Income Changes on Life Satisfaction" (with L. Becchetti and F. Rossetti). Cambridge Working Papers in Economics, CWPE0816.
"The Determinants of Individual Well-Being Across Europe" (with A. Aslam).
"No Man is an Island: The Inter-Personal Determinants of Regional Well-being and Life Satisfaction in Europe", (with A. Aslam) 2007. Cambridge Working Paper in Economics 0717.
“Characterising Polarisation: an Application to Income Distribution in Urban Uruguay”, (with J. Baker and M. Weeks), 2003, the World Bank.
Corrado, L. & Fingleton, B., 2011. "Multilevel Modelling with Spatial Effects," SIRE Discussion Papers 2011-13, Scottish Institute for Research in Economics (SIRE).
Corrado, L. & Fingleton, B., 2011. "Where is the economics in spatial econometrics?,"
SIRE Discussion Papers 2011-02, Scottish Institute for Research in Economics (SIRE).
SERC Discussion Papers 0071, Spatial Economics Research Centre, LSE.
Reports and Invited Articles: Regional Well-Being across EU
The Project has been awarded the Marie Excellence Award 2007
Happy Danes are Here Again, Newsletter University of Cambridge, June-July 2007 pp 10-11. Also available at main University of Cambridge News Website.
Mapping Happiness across Europe - and why trust is so important for a nation's wellbeing, April 2007 Royal Economic Society Conference 2007.
No man is an Island, Plus Magazine, May 2007. Plus is part of the family of activities in the Millennium Mathematics Project.
In Pursuit of Happiness, Research Horizons, University of Cam bridge Research Magazine, Issue 3 Summer 2007, pp 22-23.
Love thy Neighbour and be Relatively Happy (with A. Aslam) (26 july 2007), European Voice, 13(29).
Monetary and International Economics
"Reserves, liquidity and money: an assessment of balance sheet policies" (2012), (with J. Chadha and J. Meaning), Bank International Settlements (BIS) Papers No 66. Proceedings from the Bank of Thailand-BIS Research Conference on "Central bank balance sheets in Asia and the Pacific: the policy challenges ahead".
CEIS Working Paper No. 230
University of Kent School of Economics Discussion Papers No. 1208.
"Reconnecting Money to Infation: the Role of the External Finance Premium" now circulated as "A Note on Money and the Conduct of Monetary Policy", (with J. Chadha and S. Holly). CDMA Working Paper Series 0806 and Cambridge Working Papers in Economics 0852. Appendix
"Money, Prices and Liquidity Effects: Separating Demand from Supply", (with J. Chadha and Q. Sun) Cambridge Working Paper in Economics CWPE 0855.
Macro-prudential Policy on Liquidity: What does a DSGE Model tell us? (with J. Chadha) School of Economics Kent Discussion Paper KDPE 1108.
"Bank Lending, Housing Collateral and Stabilisation Policy", (with G. Corrado and J. Chadha). Paper present at the Workshop in Honour of Stephen Turnovsky, Vienna May 2010.
"Widening the Net: The Role of Bank Reserves in Monetary Policy Analysis", (with J. Chadha).
"Multiplicative Habit Formation and Consumption: A Note", (with S. Holly)
"On the Determinacy of Monetary Policy under Expectational Errors” (with J. Chadha). Cambridge Working Papers in Economics 0722.
“The Transmission of Monetary Policy: Habit formation and Interest-Rate Smoothing”, (with S. Holly)
"Model Approximation through Persistent Excitation", (with A. Aslam and S. Holly).
“Long-Term Growth and Short-Term Volatility: The Labour Market Nexus“(with A. Pelloni and B. Annicchiarico), CDMA Working Paper Series 0806 and Cambridge Working Papers in Economics 0823.