
Personal Data                                                                                                                                                      Curriculum in Italiano 

I was born in La Spezia (Italy) on May 1979
I am married and I have two children.
My current address: Via Carlo Alberto 10, 10124, Torino (Italy).
E-mail :
I'm member of UMI (Unione Matematica Italiana).

Current Employment

March 2022-present Full Professor at the University of Torino.

Past Employments

November 2014- February 2022 Associated Professor at the University of Torino.

2008-2014 Italian Researcher (tenured assistant professor) at the University of Torino.


2006-2008 Italian postdoc fellowship (Assegno di Ricerca) at the University of Torino. 

I was a Ph.D. student at the University of Pisa and I got the Ph.D. title in 2007 with the Thesis "The Geometry of some Special SU(n)-structures" [PDF].  My Supervisor was Prof. Paolo de Bartolomeis. 

I studied at the University of Florence and I got the Italian Laurea in Mathematics on 20 June 2003.

Research interests

Special Structures on Real and Complex manifolds. Complex and almost Complex Geometry. Symplectic and almost Kähler structures. Partial differential equations on real and complex manifolds. Parabolic flows and evolution equations.


Short visits abroad

July 2016: Università degli Studi di Palermo. 

April 2015: University of Texas at Austin.

March 2013: American University of Beirut.

December 2010: University of Coimbra

December 2009: "Max Plank" Institute at Amburg.

January 2007: Humbolt University, Berlin.


October 2022-present  Deputy Director for research of the Mathematics Department of the University of Torino.

Support Journal Editor of the Journal "Complex Manifolds."

Co-organizer of Differential Geometry workshop in Lerici, April 8-10 2024, Lerici (Italy)  [link]

Co-organizer of  A Complex Differential Geometry Meeting at UniTo, June 17-19 2023, Torino (Italy)  [link]

Co-organizer of A Geometric Analysis Meeting at UniTo, June 15-17 2022, Torino (Italy)  [link]

Co-organizer of  Informal Geometry Wokshop in "Paradiso",  3rd-4th-5th of February, 2022, Cogne (Italy) [link]

Co-organizers Giornata di Benvenuto 2020/2021/2022. [link]

Co-organizer of "Pluripotential Theory, Geometric Analysis and Calibrated Geometry" 2-4 May 2018, Torino (Italy),  [link]

Co-organizer of  Informal Geometry Workshop in "Paradiso", 22-24 January 2018, Cogne (Valle D'Aosta - Italy) [link].

Co-organizer of "Differential Geometry Days", 5-7 April 2017, Torino. [link].

Co-organizer of "Perspectives in Geometry", 26-28 January 2017, Firenze. [link].

Co-organizer of "A Differential Geometry Day in memory of Sergio Console", 13 May 2016, Torino [link]

Co-organizer of "New perspectives in differential geometry: special metrics and quaternionic geometry", 16-20 November 2015, Roma.

Co-organizer of "Workshop in memory of Sergio Console",  23-26 February 2015, Torino [link].

Co-organizer of "Workshop: Complex Geometry and Lie Groups", 16-20 June 2014, Torino  [link].

Co-organizer of the workshop "Browsing through Mathematics", 28 April 2014, Torino. [link].

Co-organizer of "Carnival Differential Geometry school", 24-27 February 2014, Torino [link].

Co-organizer of "Workshop Firb", 23-25 October 2013, Firenze [link].

Co-organizer of ''Giornata di Geometria Torino-Milano", 7-06-13, Torino. [link].

Co-organizer of "Turin Differential Geometry Day", 17-7-09, Torino. [link].

Supervision of Post-Doc students

Supervision of graduate Thesis 

Supervision of undergraduate Thesis (University of Torino)

Teaching (at the University of Torino) [CampusNet]

2018-2019 / 2019-2020 / 2020-2021 /2021-2022 / 2022-2023 / 2023-202

Geometria 1, Undergraduate course in Mathematics

Istituzioni di Geometria, Undergraduate course in Mathematics


Matematica e Fisica, Undergraduate course in Biology

Geometria Superiore, Undergraduate course in Mathematics

Geometria Differenziale, Undergraduate course in Mathematics


Matematica e Fisica, Undergraduate course in Biology

Geometria Superiore, Undergraduate course in Mathematics


Geometria 2, Undergraduate course in Mathematics

Geometria Complessa, Undergraduate course in Mathematics

Geometria Differenziale, Undergraduate course in Mathematics

Analisi 2, Undergraduate course in Physics


Geometria Uno, Undergraduate course in Mathematics

Geometria 2, Undergraduate course in Mathematics

Geometria 3, Undergraduate course in Mathematics

Geometria 4, Undergraduate course in Mathematics


Geometria e Algebra Lineare I, Undergraduate course in Physics

Laboratorio di Geometria per le applicazioni, Undergraduate course in Mathematics

Geometria 4, Undergraduate course in Mathematics

Flusso di Ricci e strutture Geometriche speciali, Graduate course in Mathematics


Metodi Geometrici, Undergraduate course.

Geometria 4, Undergraduate course in Mathematics.

Geometria Differenziale, Undergraduate course in Mathematics


Precorso di Matematica, Undergraduate course in Mathematics.

Geometria 3, Undergraduate course in Mathematics.

Geometria 4, Undergraduate course in Mathematics.

Geometria Simplettica e Kalheriana, Graduate course in Mathematics.


Esercitazioni di Matematica A, Undergraduate course in Chemistry.

Esercitazioni di Geometria III, Undergraduate course in Mathematics.

Geometria IV, Undergraduate course in Mathematics.

Other Activities (Attività di terza missione)

I'm currently vice president of the Italian association Scuola di Formazione scientifica "Luigi Lagrange" whose main activity consists in the organization of a periodic campus for students from the high school (

Beside the organization of the campus, I did the following talks and short courses:

Divulgative talks (for students of high school)

Divulgative courses (for students of high school)