Udhav Fowdar

udhav (dot) fowdar (at) unito (dot) it

I am currently a postdoc (assegnista di ricerca) at the University of Turin working with Anna Fino and Luigi Vezzoni

My area of research is in differential geometry. I am primarily interested in problems pertaining to special holonomy manifolds, focussing on the exceptional cases of G2 and Spin(7), see my publications and google scholar. 

From November 2021 to January 2024, I was a postdoc at the Unicamp, funded by a grant from the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), working with Henrique Sá Earp. Previously I obtained my PhD from University College London during which I was also part of the London School of Geometry and Number Theory (an EPSRC funded CDT). I wrote my thesis under the joint supervision of Jason Lotay (Oxford) and Simon Salamon (KCL).

If you've never heard of G2 geometry, here is a great article by Spiro Karigiannis on What is a G2-manifold? 

You can contact me at: udhav.fowdar (at) unito.it  or  udhav21 (at) gmail.com