Architectural Control Committee

Architectural Control Committee is in charge of approving changes to exterior of the homes in our neighborhood. We want to make sure that changes are in keeping with the style of the other homes in the neighborhood. 

The rules that the committee adhere to are spelled out in the By Laws. Changes to the by laws require a vote of homeowners in our neighborhood. 

Planning a change to the exterior of your home?

Complete the form below and an Architectural Committee member will respond.


Any homeowner who believes there is a violation of one of the provisions of the Declaration may contact a Lost Creek architectural committee member. 

The committee will review the complaint to determine if any action is required and, if appropriate, the architectural committee will or delegated person/agency will contact the homeowner in writing to inform them of the violation. 

The initial letter will request a response within 10 days. If no response is received within 10 days, the committee will send a second letter advising action on their part is required immediately. After reviewing any responses from the homeowner, or the lack thereof, the association will then forward the information to the Board for appropriate follow-up.

Have a question?

Use the form to contact the Architectural Control Committee members: