Promotional Materials & Publishing

Everything that men do in their own strength and by means of their own abilities is done for time alone; the quality of eternity is not in it.

— A. W. Tozer

Bulletins / Banners / Outreach Cards / Etc.

Stephen Houk Graphic Designs

  • Packages designed to promote your church
  • Missionary promotional materials

The Printed Word

  • Diverse amount of printing needs are met by this local church independent Baptist ministry
  • From stickers, to books, to tracts, to signs, and correspondence material, etc.
  • Specializing in helping the missionary

Publish Your Work

Kindle Publishing Treasure Map

by: Rob Robideau, Nepal (Kindle Edition)

  • Your guide for navigating common Kindle publishing pitfalls and finding more gold in the end! "A must-read book for new kindle authors!" "This book can save you years of trouble and wandering in the dark when it comes to publishing on Kindle!"

Calvary Publishing

The Old Path Publishers

  • Save money publishing books to e-books with Print on Demand publishing.