How to Pray for the Missionary Wife

1. Pray for our relationship with God. We are human; we are prone to sin; we struggle just like everyone else. We have distractions that come into our life. Pray that we stay close to the Lord and spend time in His Word and in prayer.

2. Pray for our marriage. Satan wants nothing more than to destroy our marriage, and hence destroy our ministry. Pray for us to have a strong marriage, for us to love, support, and encourage our spouse.

3. Pray for our parenting. Satan also wants to destroy our children. Pray that we have much wisdom and guidance in parenting our children. Pray for God's faithful shield of protection on their lives.

4. Pray for our ministry. Pray for souls to be saved. Pray for lives to be changed. Pray for doors to be opened. Pray for God to use us according to His will. Pray also that we have wisdom in balancing our family and our ministry.

5. Pray for our health. It seems we hear so often of missionaries returning to the States because of health issues. Pray for our health and our family's health.

6. Pray for our finances. Many missionaries are struggling financially. Churches in America are struggling and in turn must drop their missionaries' financial support. Most missionaries are unable to work to bring in extra income. This adds stress to lives.

7. Pray for our homesickness. Although we are happy and content where God has put us, we still miss our family and friends. Social Media can be a blessing, but we can often get homesick seeing our families post pictures of events that we are missing. Pray the Lord helps us keep our focus on Him.

8. Pray for our discouragement. We often face times of discouragement. Please pray that we will be encouraged and not grow weary in well doing. As a side note to that, letters and packages from home always encourage us. Take a few minutes to write us, to remind us that we are not forgotten.

9. Pray for our safety. Many of us live in dangerous areas. Pray for the Lord's mighty hand of protection.

10. Pray for our understanding of the language. Language barriers can be very difficult. Please pray for us as we learn the language - for clarity of thought and understanding.

Adapted from a blog article by In Her Shoes