Display Tips

Presentation Board


2. The board needs to include: facts about you (family, sending church, mission board), your field (maps, brief statistics, sports), and your ministry (goals) there.

3. Spell things correctly.

4. Make sure maps and pictures are not too light or crooked.

5. Make it sharp with clean lines, not cluttered.

6. Be sure each picture has a caption. Why did you bother putting it up there if people don’t even know why it’s there?

7. It is not wise to have testimonies on your board. No one is going to stop and take the time to read it. Put it in a pamphlet.

8. The titles should represent what is being portrayed.

9. Choose 3 complementing colors and keep it uniform throughout.

10. Use 2 different fonts – one for titles and one for captions.

11. Display Don’ts:

a. Don’t put offensive things on the board like dead animals or naked people.

b. Don’t write on the board with a pen.

c. Don’t put prayer letters on it.

d. If you use a quote on your board, don’t use the names of people of questionable character or doctrine.

James Greenwood, Missionary to Argentina (2005)